
Fundamentals of Computer Science 2: Labs

Labs: The goal of the labs is to learn how to implement your solutions to the given problems as a computer program. If you cannot finish the lab during the given time, finish it at home. Ask questions any time you get stuck!!! Use the lab work as a model for how to structure your homework programs.

A note about ProfessorJ: The first six labs use ProfessorJ as their working environment. Because of the special setup for the test suite, the .java files for those labs are actually saved as DrScheme binaries and cannot be viewed outside of DrScheme. The corresponding files with -text in the title have the test cases converted into comments and can be used as regular Java files.

Lab 1: Understanding Data:

Lab text as pdf

Lab 2 Designing Methods:

Lab text as pdf

File soda.java

File soda-text.java

File mail.java

File mail-text.java

File mail-solution.java

File mail-solution-text.java

Lab 3 Methods for Lists:

Lab text as pdf

File numbers.java

File numavg.java that illustrates the use of accumulator style.

File numavg-text.java that illustrates the use of accumulator style.

Lab 4 Circularly Referential Data:

Lab text as pdf

File circularbooks.java

File circularbooks-text.java

File routes-stations.java

File routes-stations-text.java

Lab 5 Abstractions with Object and Interfaces:

Lab text as pdf

File objlists.java

File objlists-text.java

Lab 6 Interfaces for Iterators and Data Structures:

Lab text as pdf

File lab6.java

File lab6-text.java

File lab6-text.pdf

File lab6-part2.java

File lab6-part2-text.java

File lab6-part2.pdf

Lab 7 Equality:

Lab text as pdf

File Lab7.java

Instructions for working with Eclipse

Lab 8 Sorting, Using Java Libraries:

Lab text as pdf

File Lab8.zip

Lab 9 Collections, Linked Lists, and Stacks:

Lab text as pdf

File Lab9.java

File jpt.jar

File jpfalt.jar

Lab 10 User Interactions: GUIs and Events:

Lab text as pdf

File Lab10.zip

File jpt.jar

Lab 11 Graph Algorithms:

Lab text as pdf

File Lab11.java

File jpt.jar

File jpfalt.zip

Lab 12 Network Communications:

Lab text as pdf

File MyClient.java

File MyServer.java

File TestServer.java

File jpt.jar

File jpfalt.zip

last updated on Sun Apr 25 19:10:04 EDT 2004generated with PLT Scheme