Harriet Fell's Home Page
College of Computer Science --- Northeastern University
Papers by my student Reza Asadi
- Improving the accuracy of speech emotion recognition using acoustic landmarks and Teager energy operator features Asadi, R., & Fell, H. (2015), The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 137(4), 2303-2303.
- RoboCOP: A Robotic Coach for Oral Presentations Trinh, H., Asadi, R., Edge, D., & Bickmore, T. (2017), Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies.
- Real-Time Presentation Tracking Using Semantic Keyword Spotting Asadi, R., Fell, H. J., Bickmore, T., & Trinh, H. (2016), Interspeech 2016, 3081-3085.
- Virtual Agents in the Classroom: Experience Fielding a Co-presenter Agent in University Courses Bickmore, T., Trinh, H., Hoppmann, M., & Asadi, R. (2016, September), International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (pp. 154-163). Springer International Publishing.
Research on using speech-processing to design and develop medical and assistive technology applications.
- Speech Articulation Tools for Neuroscience Research
This work is funded in part by NIH grant R44DC010104-03.
- SpeechMark™ products are commercial software tools for detecting and identifying acoustic landmarks in digital speech waveforms. These tools are designed for speech scientists, linguists, signal processing engineers, and other researchers, to help them detect changes in the way speech sounds as a result of variations in speakers’ physical health, mental and emotional state, and stage of development.
- SpeechMark: Landmark Detection Tool for Speech Analysis, Suzanne Boyce, Harriet Fell, Joel MacAuslan, to appear Interspeech 2012.
- Automated Tools for Identifying Syllabic Landmark Clusters thatReflect Changes in Articulation, Suzanne Boyce, Harriet Fell, Lorin Wilde, and Joel MacAuslan, {\em MAVEBA 2011}, 7th International Workshop on Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications, Florence, Italy.
- A Platform for Automated Acoustic Analysis for Assistive Technology, Suzanne Boyce, Harriet Fell, Joel MacAuslan, Lorin Wilde, Proceedings of The 11th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics.
- Emotion in Speech
This work was funded in part by NSF SGER grant 0206940.
- Comparing Emotions Using Acoustics and Human Perceptual Dimensions, Keshi Dai (Student Research Competition), Harriet Fell, Joel MacAuslan, CHI 2009.
- Recognizing Emotion in Speech Using Neural Networks, Keshi Dai, Harriet Fell, Joel MacAuslan IASTED 2008 Proceedings on Assistive Technologies, ACTA Press (2008), 31--36.
- Automatic Detection of Stress in Speech, Proceedings of MAVEBA 2003.
- visiBabble, a System for Early Speech Intervention
This work was funded in part by NIH STTR grants #IR41-DC005534 and #IR42-DC005534.
- Changes in Vocalizations of Infants with Severe Impairments using visiBabble
- visiBabble for Pre-Speech Feedback, Harriet Fell, Joel MacAuslan, Jun Gong, Cynthia Cress, and Tom Salvo, CHI 2006, Montreal, April 2006.
- Vocalization Analysis Tools, Proceedings of MAVEBA 2005.
- visiBabble, a System for Early Speech Intervention, Proceedings of MAVEBA 2003.
- Early Vocalization Analyzer (EVA)
This work was funded in part by NIH STTR grants #IR41-HD34686 and #IR42-HD34686.
- Baby Babble Blanket (BBB) This work was funded in part by U.S. Dept. of Education grants #H133c20076 and #H180E20032.
Articles abd Videos of Talks about Bicycles and Cycling
- M.I.T. Aluminum Bicycle Project 1974 Harriet Fell and Marc Rosenbaum, Proceedings of the 27th International Cycling History Conference, North Haven, Connecticut, USA, 2016
Video of my talk at the conference
- Riding with RideWithGPS Harriet Fell, July, 27, 2015, sheldonbrown.com
- Ride
withoutGPS Harriet Fell and John Allen, April 1, 2017, sheldonbrown.com
- Paris-Brest-Paris 1975 Harriet Fell, Journal of the International Randonneurs, Edition 1990 published March 1991
The story of my Paris-Brest-Paris ride as presented to local cyclists in 2019
- CS1800 Discrete Structures - Fall 2015 version
- CS4550 Web Development - Spring 2014
- CS4310 Computer Graphics - Fall 2012
- CS5310 Graduate Computer Graphics - Fall 2011 - canceled
- CS3800 Theory of Computation - Spring 2011
- CS4800 Algorithms and Data - Fall 2009
- CS5800 Algorithms (M.S. Core) - Fall 2009
Harriet Fell
College of Computer Science, Northeastern University
Boston, MA 02115
The URL for this document is: http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/fell/index.html