Assignemnt Schedule

Assignment Release Date Due Date Notes
0 09/07 09/13
Project 1: Threads 09/19 10/03 pdf | pptx
Project 2: User Programs 10/3 10/24 pdf | pptx
Project 3: Virtual Memory 10/24 11/14 pdf | pptx
Project 4: File Systems 11/14 12/5 pdf | pptx

Material reused/adopted from Christo Wilson.


There will be programming projects in this class around the PintOS Operating System. The projects will require significant design and coding.

We have a local copy of the PintOS documentation in html and pdf. The documentation covers each project in turn and provides reference guides that further explain core components of PintOS as well as coding style, sample assignment deliverables and development tools.

The PintOS code as well as the documentation also refers to specifications/standards used. Copies of these specifications are available online.

The documentation refers to the class CS170 from Standford in a couple of sections. Feel free to ignore these references. We will provide specific information during lectures and in Labs that are applicable for CS5600.