Bardia Aghabeigi
Northeastern University
College of Computer Science

Work Experiences


Selected Research Projects


Internship at Blackbird Interactive, Social Game Analytics: Using Metrics to Improve Player Engagement

This research was financially supported by MITACS and Blackbird Interactive
Inc. In this project, I developed a combination of Data mining models, and Visual Analytics systems to capture the players performances and engagements. The main goal of this project was to design and develop scientific and engineering methods and tools to help people from Design, Production, and Marketing in the company, to better understand the users’ behaviours and interests toward their product. the research and development cycles were based on demanding questions from aforementioned group of people. Please see the published papers: 1.Assistive design and production in computer games: Parametric systems, data mining, visual analytics
2.Game Analytics for Game User Research, Part 1: A Workshop Review and Case Study

Collaborative Project, Electronic Arts and Simon Fraser University: Triangulating telemetry with other User experience measurements

This research was financially supported by GRAND and Electronic Arts Inc. In this Research, I was focusing on two different sub-projects including : 1.Visual Analytics to triangulate different user experiences. 2.Developing Data mining methods to investigate and explore users’ behavioural patterns. In first project, I developed a visualization system which triangulates three different sources of data including 1. Game telemetry 2.User Bio-Feedback 3.Eye Tracking video , which could help game user researches to better observe and understand the correlations among Bio-Feedback sensory data , game-play events, and objects players were tracking inside the game screen. the system was used for some user studies for NHL hockey,and NBA game, and results were explained and depicted at Canadian Game Conference. The second project was done for Bioware, and on game telemetry data from Dragon Age Origins. the main goal of the project was to explore the users’ quitting behaviours and their navigation patterns. the results of this project was published as a book chapter in Game Analytics, 2013. Springer-Verlag .

Collaborative Project, Bardel Entertainments and SFU :  Developing Methods for Evaluation of Virtual Worlds and Understanding User Experiences

This research was financially supported by GRAND and Bardel Entertainments Inc. In this Research, I was focusing on developing visual analytics and reporting systems which can better presents a collection game metrics developed through a collaborative process with other colleagues at SFU, and Bardel Entertainment, and other independent researchers. I used the Jasper Server reporting engine to develop some visual reports which represented the developed metrics for a virtual world named TokiWorld, a virtual world game developed to promote the sustainability concepts for kids. the system was tested with some internal user studies, and game telemetry acquired from that, and presented as a paper in FuturePlay 2010, and a poster presentation in Grand 2010.

Internship, Co-operative Experience Game Design

This research was financially supported by GRAND , Bardel Entertainments Inc, and MITACS. In this collaborative project, we did a big user study on cooperative games to explore the innovative and successful design patterns used in this genre. we also, developed a qualitative and quantitative metric framework to measure the users’ experience in this games. and finally we designed and developed some prototype games for Bardel Entertainment Inc, based on developed design framework. The reseults were published in CHI 2010 as a full paper, and some part of that later claimed as my master thesis. Please see this link for more information.

Body Buddies: Social Signaling through Puppeteering (Research Assistant)

This research was financially supported by GRAND , and was made possible through an international collaboration with other universities and faculty members, including. 1.Magy Seif El-Nasr (SFU), 2.Katherine Isbister(NYU), 3.Jeffery Ventrella (Independent), 4.Chelsea Hash (NYU), 5.Mona Erfani (SFU), 6.Jacquelyn Morie (USC), and Leslie Bishko (Emily Carr). In this project, we designed a 3D avatar based interface using Unity Game Engine on top of Skype platform, in which different social signals could be send through avatar puppeteering and animation methods. I mainly concentrated on architecture design of software system, and implementing the system on top of Skype peer to peer API, while connecting network , and user commands to appropriate procedural or baked animations. Also, I helped in a user study which was developed for this framework to understand how people interact with system vs Skype interface, and how they feel connected after experiment. the result was published as a paper in HCII 2011. Please see this link for a demo.

Assassin’s Creed II Study (Research Assistant)

This research project was an international academic collaboration between different universities and faculty members, including: 1.Researchers from Simon Fraser University 2.IT University Copenhagen 3.Malmo University, and some other independent researchers. This project was following different goals by designing a big multi-cultural study over a significant cultural game. In this research, I developed and applied data mining methods including cluster and classification analysis to explore different game-play styles and audience segments, while trying to develop descriptive models such as decision trees which better explain users’ styles and behaviours. The initial results sent for Ubisoft Playtest lab, and they encouraged and validated our findings.The final results of this work was published in Game Analytics, 2013. Springer-Verlag .

GTT: Gesture Turing Test (Research Assistant)

This research was financially supported by NSERC, and was made possible through a collaboration between Simon Fraser University, School of Interactive Art & Technology, with Emily Carr University of Art and Design Motion Capture Studio. In this project, we focused to develop a variation of Turing Test method for body language communication in Virtual worlds, and measuring the AI believability through body gestures. I mainly worked on software architecture design, and some parts of test AI development. we used real-time Vicon Data, and we feed that inside a Unity game engine application, to make the virtual AI and human communication possible. The results of this project was published as a workshop paper in AAMAS 2010 International Workshop. Please see following link for more information.

Visual Motion Game: Design and Effects on Visual Load (Research Assistant)

This research was financially supported by GRAND, and made possible through a collaborative efforts by colleagues, and researchers in Simon Fraser University, and Northeastern university, college of computer science. This project considers, topics such as visual motion design in video games, and how players perceive this visual load. In this project, I developed a technology on top of Unity game engine which uses Tobii eye tracker API to explore 3D objects which players look, while playing the game. I used a ray casting technique which calculate the mapping between 2d points in the screen ,acquired from eye tracker, and 3D objects inside the game environment. I also, developed a telemetry collection component which gathers game events inside a local file system. the system was used in a big user study over 105 participants, to explore different goals of project, and results of this study is going to be presented at Foundation of Digital Games conference 2013. (FDG Accepted Papers)



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