Uses of Class

Uses of OHMM in ohmm

Subclasses of OHMM in ohmm
 class OHMMDrive
          OHMM high level processor lib with extensions for the drive module.
 class OHMMSite
          OHMM high level processor library with site extensions.

Fields in ohmm declared as OHMM
protected  OHMM OHMMShell.ohmm
          Our OHMM.

Methods in ohmm that return OHMM
static OHMM OHMM.makeOHMM(java.lang.String[] argv)
          Covers makeOHMM(String[], String), no extra usage.
static OHMM OHMM.makeOHMM(java.lang.String[] argv, java.lang.String extraUsage)
          Constructs an OHMM from command line parameters.

Methods in ohmm that return types with arguments of type OHMM
static java.lang.Class<? extends OHMM> OHMM.getOHMMClass()
          Determine what class makeOHMM(java.lang.String[], java.lang.String) instantiates.

Constructors in ohmm with parameters of type OHMM
OHMMShell(OHMM ohmm)
          Make a new OHMMShell wrapping an OHMM instance.