TeachScheme, ReachJava!


The materials for the entire project are archived at here.

The curriculum for HtDC has been under development since 2002. It has been used in classrooms at Northeastern University, University of Utah, University of Waterloo, University of Chicago, and at several high schools.

Below are links to the course web sites for Northeastern University courses. The assignments and the lab materials provide a comprehensive view of the project direction. However, as the text and the curriculum is still under development, the manner and the order in which various topics are presented will change.

Lectures Spring 2007A comprehensive collections of lectures for the whole semester.
Collected lecture notesA collections of lecture notes from several years.
Main link to all courses that use ReachJava curriculumFor each week there are links to labs, assignments, syllabi.
CSU 213 Spring 2009 Foundations of Programming and Computing 2One semester course; full use of the tester library; new labs and assignments in the later part of the course, more in line with the May 20 2008 edition of the text draft.
CSU 213 Fall 2008 Foundations of Programming and Computing 2One semester course; some new labs, using the tester library.
CSU 213 Spring 2008 Foundations of Programming and Computing 2One semester course; new version of lecture notes.
CSU 213 Fall 2007 Foundations of Programming and Computing 2One semester course; additional labs and assignments.
CSU 213 Spring 2007 Foundations of Programming and Computing 2One semester course; includes compete working code for all lectures.
CSU 213 Fall 2006 Foundations of Programming and Computing 2One semester course; includes redesigned labs
CSU 213 Spring 2006 Foundations of Programming and Computing 2One semester course; includes current lecture notes
CSU 213 Spring 2005 Foundations of Programming and Computing 2One semester course; includes (almost) complete lecture notes
CSU 213 Spring 2004 Foundations of Programming and Computing 2One semester course, the first time using ProfessorJ
COM 1101 Spring 2003 Algorithms and Data Structures 1The second time the curriculum was used
COM 1101 Winter 2003 Algorithms and Data Structures 1The first time the curriculum was used
COM 1201 Spring 2003 Algorithms and Data Structures 2Continuation of COM 1101 from Winter 2003

Designing Programs --- Understanding Data invited lecture presented on November 17, 2006 at Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY.

Design of Class Hierarchies: An Introduction to OO Program Design summarizes the key ideas of the HtDCH curriculum and the ProfessorJ languages. It was presented on March 3, 2006 at the SIGCSE 2006 conference in Houston, TX. Slides in PDF

An unpublished version of this paper was presented at the Ninth Workshop on Pedagogies and Tools for the Teaching and Learning of Object Oriented Concepts held at ECOOP 2005.

The Calculator Problem and the Design Recipe paper illustrates a student's experience with using the design recipe. The column was written in response to a column by Carl Alphonce: Pedagogy and Practice of Design Patterns and Objects First: A one act play

last updated on Sun Mar 1 7:32:25 EST 2009generated with PLT Scheme