TeachScheme, ReachJava!


The NSF sponsored project Redesigning Introductory Computing: The Design Discipline (DUE-0618543) provides funding for a series of summer workshops for college faculty that cover the entire first year curriculum. Please, see the Program by Design web site for more information.

The NSF sponsored project Integrating Test Design into Computing Curriculum from the Beginning (DUE-0920182) provides funding for summer workshops for college faculty that cover the integration of test design into the entire CS curriculum.

Dates for 2011

Duration and Format: five days; 8am-5pm; alternating between class and lab

For more information about the venues, please see the separate page of information.

Garden City (Long Island), NYAdelphi UniversityTeachSchemeJuly 5-9
Boston, MANortheastern UniversityTest Design CurriculumJune 13-17
Providence, RIWPI/BrownTeachScheme+July 20-24

The TeachScheme/ReachJava have been held over the past three summers (2008, 2009, and 2010) at Adelphi University in Garden City, NY, Northesatern University in Boston, MA, Brown University in Providence, RI, CalPoly at San Louis Obispo, CA, and University of Utah in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Previously, we presented workshops at the SIGCSE 2006 Conference in Houston, TX, at the CCSCNE 2005 Conference in Providence, RI and a tutorial at the CCSCNE 2007 Conference in Rochester, NY, CCSCNE 2007 Conference in Staten Island, NY, and CCSCNE 2009 Conference in Plattsburgh, NY

Week long workshops during the summers 2003 and 2004 were given at Northeastern University in Boston. Links to the workshop sites are given below.


HtDCH Workshop Summer 2004

HtDCH Workshop Summer 2003

last updated on Sun Mar 1 7:32:25 EST 2009generated with PLT Scheme