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COM1204 - Object-Oriented Design - Summer 2003

College of Computer & Information Science

Northeastern University -- Professor Robert P. Futrelle

Updated 18 August 2003

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From the University Catalog: "COM 1204 Object-Oriented Design 4 QH
Introduces the philosophy and methodology of object-oriented software design and the techniques of object-oriented programming. Discusses the design and implementation of individual classes and the tradeoffs in designing collections of classes. Introduces class libraries and application frameworks. Examines simple design patterns and compares object-oriented design to other software design paradigms. Applies object-oriented design to several medium-sized projects. Prereq. COM1201 or permission of instructor."

News and Notes

IMPORTANT NOTE -- FINAL EXAM REVIEW POSTED, 18 AUGUST Go to the exams review page for all the links. These include all the code for Quiz 2 A and B, as well as copies of the previous three tests, both versions, 6 in total, as well as a specific page about the final as well as a page of "Top Ten" Java errors by students in the course.

Note of 8/5/03: The review has for Quiz #2 has been posted Here's the link.

Note of 7/20/03: The Midterm review has been posted Here's the link.

Note of 7/9/03: A set of notes have been written giving you suggestions on how to do and write up your projects. Here's the link.

Note of 7/6/03: As of today, I have implemented six examples of Design Patterns in Java. See the link to the left, "Design Pattern Examples in Java".

News, 7/1/03: Review notes for Quiz #1, to be given Thursday 7/3/03. Here's a direct link to the review page.

Note of 6/25/03: A text file of the groups and students sorted by group number is in this file.

Note 6/22/03: There will be an Honors Project involving building of an object-oriented parser. We'll start with the first four chapter's of a book on parsing with Java by Metsker. I've xeroxed copies of the chapters for the Honors group.

News 6/17/03: The most important news up front is that there will be four additional required class meetings in the middle of the quarter. An equal number of meetings will not be held during some days in August when Professor Futrelle will be in Europe at a computer conference. Details coming soon. The course grader, Ms. Shao, will be available when Prof. Futrelle is out of the country.