Class List<X>

  extended by edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.lib.List<X>
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
Cons, Empty

public abstract class List<X>
extends java.lang.Object
implements java.lang.Iterable<X>

Represents Lisp stype Lists. List.create(...) should be used to create lists, and push/pop/top/etc... to pull them apart. All methods are functional, meaning a given list is an immutable data type: methods return a new list, they do not change the old one. The methods can be used to write beautiful recursive functions :) The inner classes (Build, Comp, GComp, Fold, Map, Pred, and Zip) are Function Classes that allow you to implement needed functionalities over basic traversals/iteration. This implementation has been updated to eliminate stack usage, which allows you (the programmer) to create HUGE lists without any problems ;)

Nested Class Summary
static class List.Build<X>
          Build a List from the sequence of integers [0..len-1]
static class List.Comp<X>
          Compare two List Elements of the same type
static class List.Fold<X,Y>
          Fold the List into a single Value
static class List.GComp<X,Y>
          (General) Compare two List Elements of possibly different types (true is "LessThan" for sort(), but "Equal" for same(...))
static class List.Map<X,Y>
          Apply a function to each element of the list
static class List.Pred<X>
          Select Elements of a List
static class List.Stringer<X>
          Compute a String from a List (Visitor)
static class List.Zip<X,Y,Z>
          Zip two Lists into a single Value
Constructor Summary
List(int l)
          Default Constructor
Method Summary
 List<X> add(X a, int i)
          Add an Element to this list at the given index
 boolean andmap(List.Pred<X> p)
          Does this Predicate match all the elements in this List?
 List<X> append(List<X> l)
          Append another List to the end of this List
 List<X> append(X x)
          Append an element to the end of this List
<X> List<X>
buildlist(List.Build<X> b, int len)
          Build a list from the numbers 0..(len-1)
 boolean contains(List.Pred<X> p)
          Does this Predicate match anything in this List?
 boolean contains(X x)
          Does the given X occur in this List?
 boolean containsAll(List<X> l)
          Does this List contain all of the given List's Elements?
 boolean containsAll(List<X> l, List.Comp<X> c)
          Does this List contain all of the given List's Elements using the given comparer?
<Y> boolean
containsAllG(List<Y> l, List.GComp<X,Y> c)
          Does this List contain all of the given List's Elements using the given comparer?
 boolean containsAny(List<X> l)
          Does this List contain any of the given List's Elements?
 boolean containsAny(List<X> l, List.Comp<X> c)
          Does this List contain any of the given List's Elements using the given comparer?
<Y> boolean
containsAnyG(List<Y> l, List.GComp<X,Y> c)
          Does this List contain any of the given List's Elements using the given comparer?
<Y> boolean
containsG(Y y, List.GComp<X,Y> c)
          Does the given X occur in this List?
<X> List<X>
          Create an Empty List
<X> List<X>
create(java.lang.Iterable<X> xs)
          Create a List from an Iterable...
<X> List<X>
create(X... xa)
          Create a List from an array/variable arguments
<X> List<X>
create(X[] xa, int i)
          Create a List from a fixed array, starting at index 'i'
abstract  boolean equals(java.lang.Object o)
          Equals for Lists...
 List<X> filter(List.Pred<X> p)
          Filter out all the non-matching Elements
 List<X> filter(X x)
          Filter out all the non-same Elements
 List<X> filterout(List.Pred<X> p)
          Filter out all the matching Elements
 List<X> filterout(X x)
          Filter out all the same Elements
 X find(List.Pred<X> p)
          Return the first matching X, throws a RuntimeException if not there
 X find(X x)
          Return the given X, throws a RuntimeException if not there
<Y> X
findG(Y y, List.GComp<X,Y> c)
          Return the given X, throws a RuntimeException if not there
<Y> Y
fold(List.Fold<X,Y> f, Y b)
          Fold this List to a single Value (Left to Right)
<Y> Y
foldl(List.Fold<X,Y> f, Y b)
          Fold this List to a single Value (Left to Right)
<Y> Y
foldr(List.Fold<X,Y> f, Y b)
          Fold this List to a single Value (Right to Left)
abstract  int hashCode()
          HashCode for Lists...
 int index(List.Pred<X> p)
          Return the Index of the first match
 int index(X x)
          Return the Index of the given element
 List<X> insert(X a, List.Comp<X> c)
          Insert an Element into this SORTED list using the given Comparison
abstract  boolean isEmpty()
          Is this List Empty?
 java.util.Iterator<X> iterator()
          Return an Iterator for this list
 int length()
          The Length of This List
 X lookup(int i)
          Lookup the i^th item in this List
static void main(java.lang.String[] args)
<Y> List<Y>
map(List.Map<X,Y> m)
          Apply a function to each Element of this List
 boolean ormap(List.Pred<X> p)
          Does this Predicate match any element in this List?
abstract  List<X> pop()
          Return this List without the first Element
 List<X> pop(int k)
          Return this List without the first k Elements
 List<X> push(List<X> xs)
          Push all Elements of the given List on the front of this List
 List<X> push(X x)
          Push a X on the front of this List
 List<X> remove(int i)
          Remove an Element from this list at the given index
 List<X> remove(List.Pred<X> p)
          Remove the first matching X
 List<X> remove(X x)
          Remove the first occurence of the given X
 List<X> removeDuplicates()
          Remove duplicate items from this list
 List<X> removeDuplicates(List.Comp<X> c)
          Remove duplicate items from this list
<Y> List<X>
removeG(Y y, List.GComp<X,Y> c)
          Remove the first occurence of the given X
 List<X> replace(int i, X s)
          Replace the element at index 'i' with 's'
 List<X> replace(List.Pred<X> p, X s)
          Replace the first matching X with 's'
 List<X> replace(X t, X s)
          Replace the first occurence of 't' with 's'
 List<X> replaceAll(List.Pred<X> p, X x)
          Replace all matching Xs with 't'
 List<X> replaceAll(X t, X s)
          Replace all occurences of 't' with 's'
 List<X> reverse()
          Reverse this List
 List<X> reverse(int i)
          Reverse the first i elements of this List
 boolean same(List<X> l)
          Is the given list have the same elements as this list?
 boolean same(List<X> l, List.Comp<X> c)
          Is the given list have the same elements as this list using the given comparer?
<Y> boolean
sameG(List<Y> l, List.GComp<X,Y> c)
          Is the given list have the same elements as this list using the given comparer?
 List<X> sort(List.Comp<X> c)
          Sort this List using the given Comparison
 X[] toArray(X[] arr)
          Convert this List into an Array, starting at Index 'i'
 java.util.List<X> toJavaList()
          Convert this List into a java.util.List
abstract  X top()
          Return the first Element of this List
 java.lang.String toString()
          Canonical ToString
 java.lang.String toString(List.Stringer<X> s)
          To String using a Stringer (Visitor)
 java.lang.String toString(java.lang.String sep, java.lang.String pre)
          To String, with a seperator and prefix
<Y,Z> List<Z>
zip(List.Zip<X,Y,Z> z, List<Y> ys)
          Zip two lists (this, and 'l') into a single list, one element at a time
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public List(int l)
Default Constructor

Method Detail


public static void main(java.lang.String[] args)


public static <X> List<X> create()
Create an Empty List


public static <X> List<X> create(X... xa)
Create a List from an array/variable arguments


public static <X> List<X> create(X[] xa,
                                 int i)
Create a List from a fixed array, starting at index 'i'


public static <X> List<X> create(java.lang.Iterable<X> xs)
Create a List from an Iterable...


public List<X> push(X x)
Push a X on the front of this List


public List<X> push(List<X> xs)
Push all Elements of the given List on the front of this List


public List<X> reverse()
Reverse this List


public List<X> reverse(int i)
Reverse the first i elements of this List


public java.lang.String toString()
Canonical ToString

toString in class java.lang.Object


public int index(X x)
Return the Index of the given element


public int index(List.Pred<X> p)
Return the Index of the first match


public boolean same(List<X> l)
Is the given list have the same elements as this list?


public boolean same(List<X> l,
                    List.Comp<X> c)
Is the given list have the same elements as this list using the given comparer?


public <Y> boolean sameG(List<Y> l,
                         List.GComp<X,Y> c)
Is the given list have the same elements as this list using the given comparer?


public List<X> pop(int k)
Return this List without the first k Elements


public List<X> append(List<X> l)
Append another List to the end of this List


public List<X> append(X x)
Append an element to the end of this List


public abstract X top()
Return the first Element of this List


public abstract List<X> pop()
Return this List without the first Element


public abstract boolean isEmpty()
Is this List Empty?


public boolean ormap(List.Pred<X> p)
Does this Predicate match any element in this List?


public boolean andmap(List.Pred<X> p)
Does this Predicate match all the elements in this List?


public boolean contains(X x)
Does the given X occur in this List?


public boolean contains(List.Pred<X> p)
Does this Predicate match anything in this List?


public <Y> boolean containsG(Y y,
                             List.GComp<X,Y> c)
Does the given X occur in this List?


public boolean containsAny(List<X> l)
Does this List contain any of the given List's Elements?


public boolean containsAny(List<X> l,
                           List.Comp<X> c)
Does this List contain any of the given List's Elements using the given comparer?


public <Y> boolean containsAnyG(List<Y> l,
                                List.GComp<X,Y> c)
Does this List contain any of the given List's Elements using the given comparer?


public boolean containsAll(List<X> l)
Does this List contain all of the given List's Elements?


public boolean containsAll(List<X> l,
                           List.Comp<X> c)
Does this List contain all of the given List's Elements using the given comparer?


public <Y> boolean containsAllG(List<Y> l,
                                List.GComp<X,Y> c)
Does this List contain all of the given List's Elements using the given comparer?


public X find(X x)
Return the given X, throws a RuntimeException if not there


public X find(List.Pred<X> p)
Return the first matching X, throws a RuntimeException if not there


public <Y> X findG(Y y,
                   List.GComp<X,Y> c)
Return the given X, throws a RuntimeException if not there


public List<X> remove(X x)
Remove the first occurence of the given X


public <Y> List<X> removeG(Y y,
                           List.GComp<X,Y> c)
Remove the first occurence of the given X


public List<X> remove(List.Pred<X> p)
Remove the first matching X


public int length()
The Length of This List


public X lookup(int i)
Lookup the i^th item in this List


public java.lang.String toString(java.lang.String sep,
                                 java.lang.String pre)
To String, with a seperator and prefix


public java.lang.String toString(List.Stringer<X> s)
To String using a Stringer (Visitor)


public List<X> filterout(X x)
Filter out all the same Elements


public List<X> filterout(List.Pred<X> p)
Filter out all the matching Elements


public List<X> filter(X x)
Filter out all the non-same Elements


public List<X> filter(List.Pred<X> p)
Filter out all the non-matching Elements


public List<X> removeDuplicates()
Remove duplicate items from this list


public List<X> removeDuplicates(List.Comp<X> c)
Remove duplicate items from this list


public <Y> Y fold(List.Fold<X,Y> f,
                  Y b)
Fold this List to a single Value (Left to Right)


public <Y> Y foldl(List.Fold<X,Y> f,
                   Y b)
Fold this List to a single Value (Left to Right)


public <Y> Y foldr(List.Fold<X,Y> f,
                   Y b)
Fold this List to a single Value (Right to Left)


public <Y> List<Y> map(List.Map<X,Y> m)
Apply a function to each Element of this List


public List<X> add(X a,
                   int i)
Add an Element to this list at the given index


public List<X> remove(int i)
Remove an Element from this list at the given index


public List<X> insert(X a,
                      List.Comp<X> c)
Insert an Element into this SORTED list using the given Comparison


public List<X> sort(List.Comp<X> c)
Sort this List using the given Comparison


public X[] toArray(X[] arr)
Convert this List into an Array, starting at Index 'i'


public java.util.Iterator<X> iterator()
Return an Iterator for this list

Specified by:
iterator in interface java.lang.Iterable<X>


public <Y,Z> List<Z> zip(List.Zip<X,Y,Z> z,
                         List<Y> ys)
Zip two lists (this, and 'l') into a single list, one element at a time


public static <X> List<X> buildlist(List.Build<X> b,
                                    int len)
Build a list from the numbers 0..(len-1)


public List<X> replace(int i,
                       X s)
Replace the element at index 'i' with 's'


public List<X> replace(X t,
                       X s)
Replace the first occurence of 't' with 's'


public List<X> replace(List.Pred<X> p,
                       X s)
Replace the first matching X with 's'


public List<X> replaceAll(X t,
                          X s)
Replace all occurences of 't' with 's'


public List<X> replaceAll(List.Pred<X> p,
                          X x)
Replace all matching Xs with 't'


public abstract boolean equals(java.lang.Object o)
Equals for Lists...

equals in class java.lang.Object


public abstract int hashCode()
HashCode for Lists...

hashCode in class java.lang.Object


public java.util.List<X> toJavaList()
Convert this List into a java.util.List