A collage of 28 members of the Khoury community who had research featured at CHI 2024

Northeastern at ACM CHI 2024

Northeastern University researchers present research findings, receive honors at ACM CHI 2024

The most prestigious human-computer interaction conference in the world took place in Honolulu, Hawaii, from May 11 to 16, 2024, where Khoury College researchers, along with their collaborators in the College of Engineering (CoE), the College of Arts, Media and Design (CAMD), the College of Science (CoS), and the Bouvé College of Health Sciences showcased a record 28 papers, late-breaking works, panels, special interest groups, and other events. Last year’s works involved everything from parrot socialization to 3D-printed braille to historical anatomical drawings; the schedule below provides a full rundown of Khoury College’s work.

2024 award winners

In 2024, Northeastern took home one Best Paper award and two Honorable Mentions. The Best Paper winners were Khoury distinguished post-doctoral fellow Vedant Das Swain; CoE Dean, professor, and Khoury courtesy appointee Gregory D. Abowd; and their colleagues at the Georgia Institute of Technology and the University of Chicago for Sensible and Sensitive AI for Worker Wellbeing: Factors that Inform Adoption and Resistance for Information Workers, which evaluated the benefits and harms of hypothetical passive-sensing (PSAI) tools.

“In our previous study, workers revealed tensions where (they) worried … these applications might become surveillance tools rather than personal aids,” Swain said. “That made us wonder, how do we design these sensing AI to maximize value for workers while minimizing the harms?”

The honorable mentions were awarded to:

Additional highlights from Khoury researchers featured at ACM CHI 2024

Rébecca Kleinberger, coauthor of “Call of the Wild Web: Comparing Parrot Engagement in Live vs. Pre-Recorded Video Calls”
Timothy Bickmore, coauthor of “‘Something I Can Lean On’: A Qualitative Evaluation of a Virtual Palliative Care Counselor for Patients with Life-Limiting Illnesses”
Saiph Savage, coauthor of “GigSousveillance: Designing Gig Worker Centric Sousveillance Tools”

Related news

Northeastern CHI 24 schedule

For additional information on programming and scheduling, check the CHI 2024 website.
(Author bios linked if available)


Bold = Khoury College (link)
() = CAMD, CoE, CoS, or Bouvé
(+) = interdisciplinary appointee
* = Khoury College courtesy appointee

Jump to: Saturday, May 11 | Sunday, May 12 | Monday, May 13 | Tuesday, May 14 | Wednesday, May 15

Saturday, May 11

Toward a More Comprehensive Understanding of Visualization Literacy
Time: 9–10:20 a.m., 11 a.m.–12:20 p.m., 2–3:20 p.m., 4–5:20 p.m.
Session: N/A
Type: Workshops
Authors: Lily W. Ge, Maryam Hedayati, Yuan Cui, Yiren Ding, Karen Bonilla, Alark Joshi, Alvitta Ottley, Benjamin Bach, Bum Chul Kwon, David N. Rapp, Evan Peck, Lace M. Padilla, Michael Correll, Michelle A. Borkin, Lane Harrison, Matthew Kay

Sunday, May 12

Challenges and Opportunities of LLM-Based Synthetic Personae and Data in HCI
Time: 9–10:20 a.m., 11 a.m.–12:20 p.m., 2–3:20 p.m., 4–5:20 p.m.
Session: N/A
Type: Workshops
Authors: Mirjana Prpa, Giovanni M. Troiano (CAMD), Matthew Wood, Yvonne Coady

Mobilizing Research and Regulatory Action on Dark Patterns and Deceptive Design Practices
Time: 9–10:20 a.m., 11 a.m.–12:20 p.m., 2–3:20 p.m., 4–5:20 p.m.
Session: N/A
Type: Workshops
Authors: Colin M. Gray, Johanna T. Gunawan, René Shäfer, Nataliia Bielova, Lorena Sanchez Chamorro, Katie Seaborn, Thomas Mildner, Hauke Sandhaus

Monday, May 13

A Design Framework for Reflective Play
Time: 9 a.m.
Session: Highlight on Games and Play
Type: Papers
Authors: Josh Aaron Miller, Kutub Gandhi, Matthew Alexander Whitby, Mehmet Kosa (CAMD), Seth Cooper, Elisa D. Mekler, Ioanna Iacovides

The Effect of Orientation on the Readability and Comfort of 3D-Printed Braille
Time: 11:15–11:30 a.m.
Session: Fabrication: 3D Printing A
Type: Papers
Authors: Eduardo Puerta, Tarik Crnovrsanin, Laura South, Cody Dunne

Odds and Insights: Decision Quality in Exploratory Data Analysis Under Uncertainty
Winner: Honorable Mention
Time: 11:45 a.m.–12 p.m.
Session: Working with Data A
Type: Papers
Authors: Abhraneel Sarma, Xiaoying Pu, Yuan Cui, Eli T. Brown, Michael Correll, Matthew Kay

Human-Centered Privacy Research in the Age of Large Language Models
Time: 2–3:20 p.m.
Session: N/A
Type: Special Interest Group
Authors: Tianshi Li, Sauvik Das, Hao-Ping (Hank) Lee, Dakuo Wang (Khoury + CAMD), Bingsheng Yao, Zhiping Zhang

Bitacora: A Toolkit for Supporting Nonprofits to Critically Reflect on Social Media Data Use
Time: 2:45–3 p.m.
Session: Design Tools B
Type: Papers
Authors: Adriana Alvarado Garcia, Marisol Wong-Villacres, Benjamín Hernández, Christopher A. Le Dantec (Khoury + CAMD)

GigSousveillance: Designing Gig Worker Centric Sousveillance Tools
Time: 4:45–5 p.m.
Session: Gig Workers
Type: Papers
Authors: Kimberly Do, Maya De Los Santos (CoE), Michael Muller, Saiph Savage

Profiling the Dynamics of Trust & Distrust in Social Media: A Survey Study
Time: 4:45–5 p.m.
Session: Trust in Social Media
Type: Papers
Authors: Yixuan Zhang, Yimeng Wang, Nutchanon Yongsatianchot, Joseph D. Gaggiano, Nurul M. Suhaimi, Anne Okrah (CoE), Jacqueline Griffin (CoE), Miso Kim (CAMD), Andrea G. Parker

Stairway to Heaven: A Gamified VR Journey for Breath Awareness
Time: 5–5:15 p.m.
Session: Mindfulness and Goals
Type: Papers
Authors: Nathan Miner (CAMD), Amir Abdollahi (CoE), Caleb P. Myers, Mehmet Kosa (CAMD), Hamid Ghaednia, Joseph Schwab, Casper Harteveld (+CAMD), Giovanni M. Troiano (CAMD)

Tuesday, May 14

Counting Carrds: Investigating Personal Disclosure and Boundary Management in Transformative Fandom
Time: 9 a.m.
Session: Highlight on Security and Privacy
Type: Papers
Authors: Kelly Wang, Dan Bially Levy, Kien T. Nguyen, Ada Lerner, Abigail Marsh

An Exploration of Learned Values Through Lived Experiences to Design for BIPOC Students’ Flourishing
Time: 10:20–11 a.m., 3:20–4 p.m.
Session: Late-Breaking Work: HCI and Culture
Type: Late-Breaking Work
Authors: Laveda Chan (CoS), Dilruba Showkat, Alexandra To (Khoury + CAMD)

Country as a proxy for culture? An exploratory study of players in an Online Multiplayer Game
Time: 10:20–11 a.m., 3:20–4 p.m.
Session: Late-Breaking Work: Immersive Realities
Type: Late-Breaking Work
Authors: Alessandro Canossa, Ahmad Azadvar, Jichen Zhu, Casper Harteveld (+CAMD), Johanna Pirker

Engaging and Entertaining Adolescents in Health Education Using LLM-Generated Fantasy Narrative Games and Virtual Agents
Time: 10:20–11 a.m., 3:20–4 p.m.
Session: Late-Breaking Work: Learning and Teaching
Type: Late-Breaking Work
Authors: Ian Steenstra, Prasanth Murali, Rebecca B. Perkins, Natalie Joseph, Michael K. Paasche-Orlow, Timothy Bickmore

Thinking Outside the Box: Non-Designer Perspectives and Recommendations for Template-Based Graphic Design Tools
Time: 10:20–11 a.m., 3:20–4 p.m.
Session: Late-Breaking Work: Design
Type: Late-Breaking Work
Authors: Farnaz Nouraei, Alexa Siu, Ryan Rossi, Nedim Lipka

No More Angry Birds: Investigating Touchscreen Ergonomics to Improve Tablet-Based Enrichment for Parrots
Time: 11–11:15 a.m.
Session: Inter- and Cross-Species Interactions
Type: Papers
Authors: Rébecca Kleinberger (Khoury + CAMD), Jennifer Cunha (NU affiliated researcher), Megan McMahon (CoS), Ilyena Hirskyj-Douglas

Call of the Wild Web: Comparing Parrot Engagement in Live vs. Pre-Recorded Video Calls
Time: 11 a.m.–12:20 p.m.
Session: Inter- and Cross-Species Interactions
Type: Papers
Authors: Ilyena Hirskyj-Douglas, Jennifer Cunha (NU affiliated researcher), Rébecca Kleinberger (Khoury + CAMD)

Ellie Talks About the Weather: Toward Evaluating the Expressive and Enrichment Potential of a Tablet-Based Speech Board in a single Goffin’s Cockatoo
Time: 11:15 – 11:30 a.m.
Session: Inter- and Cross-Species Interactions
Type: Papers
Authors: Jennifer Cunha (affiliated NU researcher), Corinne C. Renguette, Nikhil Singh, Lily Stella, Megan McMahon (CoS), Hao Jin, Rébecca Kleinberger (Khoury + CAMD)

“It’s a Fair Game,” or Is It? Examining How Users Navigate Disclosure Risks and Benefits When Using LLM-Based Conversational Agents
Time: 2:45–3 p.m.
Session: Conversational Agents
Type: Papers
Authors: Zhiping Zhang, Michelle Jia, Hao-Ping (Hank) Lee, Bingsheng Yao, Sauvik Das, Ada Lerner, Dakuo Wang (Khoury + CAMD), Tianshi Li

From Provenance to Aberrations: Image Creator and Screen Reader User Perspectives on Alt Text for AI-Generated Images
Time: 3–3:15 p.m.
Session: Supporting Accessibility of Text, Image, and Video B
Type: Papers
Authors: Maitraye Das, Alexander J. Fiannaca, Meredith Ringel Morris, Shaun K. Kane, Cynthia L. Bennett

How Beginning Programmers and Code LLMs (Mis)read Each Other
Time: 4–4:15 p.m.
Session: Learning Programming with AI
Type: Papers
Authors: Sydney Nguyen, Hannah McLean Babe, Yangtian Zi, Arjun Guha, Carolyn Jane Anderson, Molly Q. Feldman

Wednesday May 15

Patient Perspectives on AI-Driven Predictions of Schizophrenia Relapses: Understanding Concerns and Opportunities for Self-Care and Treatment
Time: 9–9:15 a.m.
Sessions: Mental Health and AI
Type: Papers
Authors: Dong Whi Yoo, Hayoung Woo, Viet Cuong Nguyen, Michael L. Birnbaum, Kaylee Payne Kruzan, Jennifer G. Kim, Gregory D. Abowd (CoE), Munmun De Choudhury

Implications of Regulations on the Use of AI and Generative AI for Human-Centered Responsible Artificial Intelligence
Time: 9–10:20 a.m.
Session: N/A
Type: Special Interest Group
Authors: Marios Constantinides, Mohammad Tahaei, Daniele Quercia, Simone Stumpf, Michael Madaio, Sean Kennedy, Lauren Wilcox, Jessica Vitak, Henriette Cramer, Edyta Paulina Bogucka, Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Ewa Luger, Jess Holbrook, Michael Muller, Ilana Golbin Blumenfeld, Giada Pistilli

ReactGenie: A Development Framework for Complex Multimodal Interactions Using Large Language Models
Time: 9:15–9:30 a.m.
Sessions: Emotions and User Experience
Type: Papers
Authors: Jackie (Junrui) Yang, Karina Li, Daniel Wan Rosli, Shuning Zhang, Yuhan Zhang, Yingtian Shi, Anisha Jain, Tianshi Li, Monica Lam, James A. Landay

Building LLM-based AI Agents in Social Virtual Reality
Time: 10:20–11 a.m., 3:20–4 p.m.
Session: Late-Breaking Work: Large Language Modela
Type: Late-Breaking Work
Authors: Hongyu Wan, Jinda Zhang, Abdulaziz Arif Suria, Bingsheng Yao, Dakuo Wang (+CAMD), Yvonne Coady, Mirjana Prpa

‘Something I Can Lean On’: A Qualitative Evaluation of a Virtual Palliative Care Counselor for Patients with Life-Limiting Illnesses 
Time: 10:20–11 a.m.
Sessions: Late-Breaking Work: Health and Well-Being
Type: Late-Breaking Work
Authors: Teresa K. O’Leary, Michael K. Paasche-Orlow, Timothy Bickmore

Barriers to Photosensitive Accessibility in Virtual Reality
Winner: Honorable Mention
Time: 12–12:15 p.m.
Session: Assistive Technologies
Type: Papers
Authors: Laura South, Caglar Yildirim, Amy Pavel, Michelle A. Borkin

Malicious Selling Strategies in Livestream E-commerce: A Case Study of Alibaba’s Taobao and ByteDance’s TikTok
Time: 12–12:15 p.m.
Session: Online Toxicity
Type: Journals
Authors: Qunfang Wu, Yisi Sang, Dakuo Wang (Khoury + CAMD), Zhicong Lu

Social Justice in HCI: A Systematic Literature Review
Time: 2 p.m.
Sessions: Social Activism C
Type: Papers
Authors: Ishita Chordia, Leya Breanna Baltaxe-Admony, Ashley Boone, Alyssa Sheehan, Lynn Dombrowski, Christopher A. Le Dantec (+CAMD), Kathryn E. Ringland, Angela D. R. Smith

When the Body Became Data: Historical Data Cultures and Anatomical Illustration
Time: 3–3:15 p.m.
Sessions: Politics of Data
Type: Papers
Authors: Michael Correll, Laura Garrison

Rethinking Human-AI Collaboration in Complex Medical Decision Making: A Case Study in Sepsis Diagnosis
Time: 4:15–4:30 p.m.
Sessions: Health and AI B
Type: Papers
Authors: Shao Zhang, Jianing Yu, Xuhai “Orson” Xu, Changchang Yin, Yuxuan Lu, Bingsheng Yao, Melanie Tory, Lace M. Padilla (+CoS), Jeffrey Caterino, Ping Zhang, Dakuo Wang (+CAMD)

Sensible and Sensitive AI for Worker Wellbeing: Factors that Inform Adoption and Resistance for Information Workers
Winner: Best Paper
Time: 4:45–5 p.m.
Sessions: Body and Wellbeing
Type: Papers
Authors: Vedant Das Swain, Lan Gao, Abhirup Mondal, Gregory D. Abowd (CoE), Munmun De Choudhury

Towards Algorithmic Reform: Low-Income Individuals Inclusion in AI/ML Literacy and Ethical Values-Informed Tool Design
Time: NA
Type: Doctoral Consortium
Author: Dilruba Showkat