COM3370 Computer Graphics - Homework 2 Images

Winter 1997

Luis Cruz Picture of  Ray-Traced Spheres Gary D. Duzan Picture of  Ray-Traced Spheres
Robert Gagne Picture of  Ray-Traced Spheres Guowei Hu Picture of  Ray-Traced Spheres
Yan Huang Picture of  Ray-Traced Spheres Tiegang Li Picture of  Ray-Traced Spheres
Shuang Liang Picture of  Ray-Traced Spheres Kelly Liu Picture of  Ray-Traced Spheres
Alberto Medina Picture of  Ray-Traced Spheres Picture of  Ray-Traced Spheres Picture of  Ray-Traced Spheres
Igor Plotnik Picture of  Ray-Traced Spheres Picture of  Ray-Traced Spheres Picture of  Ray-Traced Spheres
Ying Qin Picture of  Ray-Traced Spheres
Bojan Rapaic Picture of  Ray-Traced Spheres Picture of  Ray-Traced Spheres Picture of  Ray-Traced Spheres
Giuseppe A. Sena Picture of  Ray-Traced Spheres Picture of  Ray-Traced Spheres Picture of  Ray-Traced Spheres
Peter Zhang Picture of  Ray-Traced Spheres Ning Zhuang Picture of  Ray-Traced Spheres

Harriet Fell
College of Computer Science, Northeastern University
360 Huntington Avenue #161CN,
Boston, MA 02115
Phone: (617) 373-2198 / Fax: (617) 373-5121

Last Updated: March 3, 1997 9:54 pm
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