On this page:
Welcome to CS2510
Version: 5.2.1


Welcome to CS2510


Mon Nov 26 20:35:34 EST 2012

I looked at and ran all games you have submitted in Assignment 9.

Please, look at the comments I have posted on the Web-CAT server.

Please, see me if you are having difficulties with the game.


Sun Nov 25 18:15:44 EST 2012

There will be a review for Exam3 on Monday, November 26th 6:00 -8:00 pm in 275 RI

Exam 3 will be on November 27th 6:00 - 9:00 pm in the room 422 SL this is in Snell Library - one of the group study rooms on the west side of the building.


Fri Nov 23 16:12:34 EST 2012

Here are some links to old versions of Exam3.

Spring 2012

Spring 2011


Mon Nov 12 18:32:43 EST 2012

Here is a list of pairs for the weeks 9 through 13 of homeworks:


Tue Nov 6 15:49:25 EST 2012

Office Hours: Matthew Clamp – Thursday night from 6-8 – this week only


Tue Nov 6 15:49:25 EST 2012

Assignment 9 - Part 1

The due date has been extended (one more day) till Tuesday, November 13 (a day after a holiday).

You should be working with your new partner.

If you do not have a new partner, email me and I will pair you up.

– Viera


Fri Nov 2 15:47:35 EST 2012

Regarding Problem 2 in Assignment 8:

Abstract class can have a constructor and fields. For example we define

abstract class Shape{

  Posn loc;


  Shape(Posn loc){

    this.loc = loc;



We can then define the class Circle as:

class Circle extends Shape{

  int rad;


  Circle(Posn loc, int rad){


    this.rad = rad;



  public String toString(){

    return "Circle at loc = (" + this.x + ", " + this.y + " with radius " + this.rad);



We see that it has the fields loc and rad, and a constructor that takes these two values.


Thu Nov 1 18:21:35 EST 2012

Plans for the rest of the semester:

Reminder: Exam 3 is on Tuesday, November 27th from 6:00 - 9:00 pm (Room will be announced)


Thu Oct 25 17:39:45 EST 2012

Here are some links to old versions of Exam2.

Fall 2009

Spring 2010 (A)

Spring 2010 (B)

Summer 2010

Fall 2010

Spring 2011

Note that not all of the exams include solutions.


Thu Oct 18 13:49:18 EST 2012

The second exam has been rescheduled for Thursday, November 1, 2012


Thu Oct 18 13:45:36 EST 2012

Links to older leture notes:

A comprehensive list of lectures from earlier semesters can be found here.

A complete list of lectures for Spring 2007 semester can be found here.

Lectures for Fall 2008 semester can be found here.


Wed Oct 17 13:19:36 EST 2012

James Klein’s office hours next week will be on

Tuesday, October 23rd 12:30-2:20pm


Mon Oct 15 13:39:16 EST 2012

Here is a list of pairs for the weeks 5 through 9 of homeworks:


Mon Sept 24 13:39:16 EST 2012

Here are some links to old versions of Exam1.

Some solutions may be incomplete, some rubrics not perfect. Also, these exams were given in the evening and lasted 3 hours. You may expect one problem of a similar complexity, and maybe an additional simpler warmup problem.

This is provided so you know what to expect on the exam and how the grading is done. No corrections will be made to what is posted here.






Mon Sept 10 13:39:16 EST 2012

Here is a list of pairs for the first four weeks of homeworks:

Pairs for homeworks



Adam Sasi

Anthony Vatousiou


Matthew Peckham

Evan Noyes


Matthew Peoples

Ritchie Wilson


Mohammed Yusuf

Okeke Nnamdi


Sumita Mukund

Marina Stoebner


Michael Slemon

Cory Paszul


Mark Calley

Andrew Ojemann


James McNamara

John-Ross Murgo


Jeffrey Tung

Brian Ninni


Amanda Georgescu

Alessandro Hamuche


Colin McElearney

Chieh Lee


Yue Liu

John Dowd


Mostafa Al Khonaizi

Zach Lyford


Aishwarya Afzulpurkar

Sushma Mallikarjun


Alex Hochberg

Scott Kapelewski


Ali Ahmad

Jim Barry


Bobby Deng

Evan Haines

Sun Sept 2 19:39:16 EST 2012

We hope you’ll have fun.