Final Portfolio Problems and the Project

Stacks, Queues, Graphs, and more ...

The project part of the final assignment is ready now --- see the link below.

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The portfolio part is the link for Assignment 11.

To read the cities from the input file use the code The main method show you how you can use the data from the file.

Use this code to create a user interface allowing the user to select the start and the destination and run one of the three algorithms. Feel free to change the GUI, if you wish.

GUI for US travel project

A description of the three graph algorithms for finding a path from the origin to destination can be found here:



You may want to use this map to make your display more realistic: usa.gif.

The following data can be used in your project:

City Data:

About 25 cities minicities.txt

About 100 cities smallcities.txt

Capitals of 48 states caps.txt

All cities/towns citydb.txt

Capitals and the neighboring states:

Capitals of 48 states with the neighbors capitals.txt

Due Date: Monday, December 3 at 10:00 pm.