Module Adaptor.Convert

module Convert: sig .. end
Conversions for shtream adaptors. These produce shtream warnings (calling Shtream.warn) if the value cannot be coerced.

val convert : (string -> 'a) -> string -> string -> string -> 'a
Create a custom conversion. Adaptor.Convert.convert conv tyname loc str applies the conversion conv to str; if the conversion raises Failure, then it produces a warning, with tyname as the name of the target type and loc as the name of the function given in the message.
val to_int : string -> string -> int
Convert a string to an integer, with shtream warning on failure. Convert.to_int loc str returns str as an integer or raises a warning attributed to loc.
val to_float : string -> string -> float
Convert a string to a float, with shtream warning on failure. Convert.to_float loc str returns str as a float or raises a warning attributed to loc.