
Assignment 20

home work!

Programming Language ISL+

Due Date Mon 4/3 at 11:59pm

Possible Points 30

Purpose To design complex functions that process graphs and begin to use accumulators.

Graded Exercises

Exercise 1 Design reverse-edges which takes a graph and reverses the edges. The following test should pass:
(check-expect (same-graph?
                  (make-graph '(a b c)
                              (lambda (x)
                                (cond [(symbol=? x 'a) '(a b)]
                                      [(symbol=? x 'b) '()]
                                      [(symbol=? x 'c) '(b c)]))))
                (make-graph '(a b c)
                            (lambda (x)
                              (cond [(symbol=? x 'a) '(a)]
                                    [(symbol=? x 'b) '(a c)]
                                    [(symbol=? x 'c) '(c)]))))
Code for same-graph? will be uploaded to the blog on the March 30th.

Exercise 2 Design undirected? which determines if each edge in the graph has a matching edge going the opposite direction.

Exercise 3 Design find-paths which finds all paths in the graph from one node to another. An example graph as well as informally written tests are below:
(define G1
 (make-graph '(A B C D E F G)
             (lambda (n)
               (cond [(symbol=? n 'A) '(B E)]
                     [(symbol=? n 'B) '(E F)]
                     [(symbol=? n 'C) '(D)]
                     [(symbol=? n 'D) '()]
                     [(symbol=? n 'E) '(C F A)]
                     [(symbol=? n 'F) '(D G)]
                     [(symbol=? n 'G) '()]))))
(find-paths G1 'C 'C) -> '((C)) ; src = dest
(find-paths G1 'C 'G) -> '() ; no paths from 'C to 'G
(find-paths G1 'A 'B) -> '((A B))
(find-paths G1 'E 'G) -> '((E F G)  (E A B F G))
(find-paths G1 'B 'G) -> '((B E F G)  (B F G))
(find-paths G1 'A 'G) -> '((A B E F G) (A B F G) (A E F G))