On this page:
Email Addresses


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When you need help with the lecture material, the lab material, or the problem sets, don’t despair—there are plenty of ways to get help.

A meeting with a tutor, TA, or instructor is the best to get explanations because you can ask questions in real time and get answers to them.

If you have a question that you prefer to ask in a non-public setting, feel free to send email to anybody on the course staff.

Email Addresses

Note that we may post excerpts from your mail message on the blog if we consider it of general interest. If you want privacy, be sure to request it when you send an email.




Olin Shivers


shivers at ccs.neu.edu

Nat Tuck


ntuck at ccs.neu.edu

Preston Carpenter


pcarp at ccs.neu.edu

Rebecca MacKenzie


r.mackenzie at northeastern.edu

Calvin Pomerantz


calvin at ccs.neu.edu

Nadine Shaalan


shaalan.n at husky.neu.edu

Matthew Singer


msinger at ccs.neu.edu

Luciana Corteggiano


corteggiano.l at husky.neu.edu

Chase Bishop


bishop.c at husky.neu.edu

Corinne Cella


cella.c at husky.neu.edu

Evan Chang


chang.ev at husky.neu.edu

Vyshnavi Chunduru


chunduru.v at husky.neu.edu

Kyle Crampton


crampton.k at husky.neu.edu

Jason Crouse


crouse.j at husky.neu.edu

Maxwell Cruz


cruz.max at husky.neu.edu

Sydney Hubbell


hubbell.s at husky.neu.edu

Spencer Hurley


hurley.s at husky.neu.edu

Alex Jo


jo.al at husky.neu.edu

Alexandre Jolly


jolly.a at husky.neu.edu

Anand Kumar


kumar.anand at husky.neu.edu

Eric Lehman


lehman.e at husky.neu.edu

Raquel Levy


levy.r at husky.neu.edu

Kirk Morgan


morgan.ki at husky.neu.edu

David Padawer


padawer.d at husky.neu.edu

Ciarra Peters


peters.ci at husky.neu.edu

Konstantin Rezchikov


rezchikov.k at husky.neu.edu

Sreeya Sai


sai.s at husky.neu.edu

Paul Terrasi


terrasi.p at husky.neu.edu

Nicholas Thompson


thompson.ni at husky.neu.edu

Cole Vick


vick.c at husky.neu.edu

Caitlin Wang


wang.cai at husky.neu.edu

Marie Yatsyk


yatsyk.m at husky.neu.edu

Melina Young


young.mel at husky.neu.edu

Julian Zucker


zucker.j at husky.neu.edu