Topics in Formal Methods
CS 7485 Spring 2018

College of Computer and Information Science
Northeastern University


M,W 2:50-4:30PM Ryder Hall 155
Instructor: Pete Manolios
Office hours: WVH 346, Mon 11:45AM-1PM, Thu 1-2PM, and by request


There are no required textbooks. Reading materials will be distributed to the class. You are expected to do the reading before class so that we can spend class time discussing interesting issues. The reading materials we covered are:
  1. Crama and Hammer. Boolean Functions Theory, Algorithms and Applications. Chapter 1. Fundamental concepts and applications.
  2. Darwiche and Pipatsisawat. Handbook of SAT, Chapter 3. Complete Algorithms.
  3. Silva, Lynce and Malik. Handbook of SAT, Chapter 4. Conflict-Driven Clause Learning SAT Solvers.
  4. Manolios. Lecture notes on logic. This corresponds to Chapters 1-7 of Ebbinghaus, Flum and Thomas. Mathematical Logic.
  5. Manolios. Lecture notes on ordinals, cardinals and well-founded relations. This rougly corresponds to Kunen. Set Theory An Introduction to Independence Proofs. Chapter 1. The foundations of set theory.
  6. Manolios. Reasoning About Programs.
  7. Chamarthi. Interactive Non-Theorem Disproving.
  8. Manolios and Vroon. Termination Analysis with Calling Context Graphs.
  9. Manolios and Vroon. Interactive Termination Proofs using Termination Cores.
  10. Manolios. Lecture notes on temporal logic, fixpoints, mu-calculus, safety and liveness.
  11. Manna and Zarba. Combining Decision Procedures.
  12. Nieuwenhuis, Oliveras, Tinelli. Solving SAT and SAT Modulo Theories: from an Abstract Davis-Putnam-Logemann-Loveland Procedure to DPLL(T).
The main reading materials for the student paper presentations are:
  1. Katz, Barrett, Dill, Julian and Kochenderfer. Reluplex: An Efficient SMT Solver for Verifying Deep Neural Networks.
  2. Hawblitzel and Howell. IronFleet: Proving Safety and Liveness of Practical Distributed Systems
  3. Manolios and Trefler. A Lattice-Characterization of Safety and Liveness.
  4. Sadowski. Total Nondterministic Turing Machines and a p-optimal Proof System for SAT
  5. Meltdown and Spectre.
  6. Manolios. A Compositional Theory of Refinement for Branching Time.
  7. Reynolds. Separation Logic: A logic for shared mutatable data structures.
  8. Richards, Nardelli, Vitek. Concrete Types for TypeScript.
  9. Bierman, Abadi, Torgersen. Understanding TypeScript.
  10. Ball. Abstraction-guided Test Generation: A Case Study.
  11. Rondon, Kawaguchi, Jhala. Liquid Types.
  12. Keisler. Fundamentals of Model Theory.
  13. Furia. What's Decidable About Sequences?
  14. Pola et al. On Approximate Diagnosability of Metric Systems.

Academic Integrity

Read and intimately familiarize yourselves with the Northeastern Academic Integrity policy.


Grades will be based on projects, presentations and class participation. Grades will be based on projects, presentations and class participation.