Re: Error message compiling LabGuide (fwd)

Subject: Re: Error message compiling LabGuide (fwd)
From: Karl Lieberherr (
Date: Sat Oct 21 2000 - 15:18:36 EDT

Hi Jon:

in the future, please send your questions not only to
me but also to Stelios Paparizos. (stelios)
You will get a faster response.

It looks like the Lab Guide is slightly broken because
SUN Microsystems changed the interface of javac:
It no longer accepts the -depend option.
Please go into the *.prj file in your
directory and remove the -depend flag in the
compiler options and it should work fine.

Thank you for bringing this to my attention.

-- Karl L.

>From Sat Oct 21 14:02:38 2000
>Date: Sat, 21 Oct 2000 14:02:37 -0400 (EDT)
>From: Jon Kelley <>
>To: Karl Lieberherr <>
>Subject: Error message compiling LabGuide (fwd)
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Prof. Lieberherr,
>I forgot to copy it in to the message. Here it is...
>[archenar: ~/classes/com1205/labguide] > demjava test
>Demeter/Java version 0.8.1
>Copyright (c) 2000 Northeastern University
>Reading project file LibrarySystem.prj...
>Running the generator...
>Output directory gen does not exist, will create.
>Building hashtable of classes...
>Adding generic visitors:
> PrintVisitor UniversalVisitor
>Marking not-parsed classes...
>Marking visitor classes...
>Expanding parameterized classes...
>Converting repetition classes...
>Filling in part names...
>Setting inheritance links...
>Saving expanded CD to gen/LibrarySystem.xcd...
>Checking for duplicate part names...
>Reading behavior files:
> LibrarySystem.beh User.beh Book.beh
>Filling in visitor names...
>Marking derived parts...
>Making generic visitor behavior files...
>Reading behavior files:
> gen/UniversalVisitor.beh gen/PrintVisitor.beh
>Building cyclic class graph...
>Converting adaptive methods...
>Building visitor tables...
>Expanding universal traversal...
>Expanding static traversals...
> Computing traversal graph for prntusertrv... generating traversa
> Computing traversal graph for printtrv... generating traversal m
> Computing traversal graph for __trav_get_ExitOp... generating trds...
> Computing traversal graph for
>__trav_show_operations... generatimethods...
> Computing traversal graph for
>__trav_find_operation... generatinethods...
> Computing traversal graph for __trav_search_user... generating tods...
> Computing traversal graph for __trav_search_book... generating tods...
> Computing traversal graph for printtrv... generating traversal m
> Computing traversal graph for __trav_search_copy... generating tods...
> Computing traversal graph for printtrv... generating traversal m
> Computing traversal graph for
>__trav_search_bookisbn... generatimethods...
> Computing traversal graph for prntusertrv... generating traversa
> Computing traversal graph for __trav_get_checkedoutlist... general
> Computing traversal graph for __trav_set_checkedoutlist... general
> Computing traversal graph for __trav_get_quota... generating tras...
> Computing traversal graph for __trav_print_status... generating hods...
> Computing traversal graph for __trav_get_fname... generating tras...
> Computing traversal graph for __trav_get_lname... generating tras...
> Computing traversal graph for prntusertrv... generating traversa
> Computing traversal graph for __trav_search_userid... generating
> Computing traversal graph for __trav_execute... generating trave..
>Adding Enumeration thingies to Repetition classes
>Adding Subtraversal class.
>Generating core aspect code to gen...
>Generating grammar to gen/Parser.jj...
>Running the weaver...
>Running the parser generator...
>Java Compiler Compiler Version 1.1 (Parser Generator)
>Copyright (c) 1996-1999 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
>Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Metamata, Inc.
>(type "javacc" with no arguments for help)
>Reading from file gen/Parser.jj . . .
>File "" does not exist. Will create one.
>File "" does not exist. Will create one.
>File "" does not exist. Will create one.
>File "" does not exist. Will create
>Parser generated successfully.
>Running the compiler...
>javac: invalid flag: -depend
>Usage: javac <options> <source files>
>where possible options include:
> -g Generate all debugging info
> -g:none Generate no debugging info
> -g:{lines,vars,source} Generate only some debugging info
> -O Optimize; may hinder debugging or enlar
> -nowarn Generate no warnings
> -verbose Output messages about what the compiler
> -deprecation Output source locations where deprecateed
> -classpath <path> Specify where to find user class files
> -sourcepath <path> Specify where to find input source file
> -bootclasspath <path> Override location of bootstrap class fi
> -extdirs <dirs> Override location of installed extensio
> -d <directory> Specify where to place generated class
> -encoding <encoding> Specify character encoding used by sour
> -target <release> Generate class files for specific VM ve
>Aborting, compiler exited with error value 2.
>-I am not sure what this means..
>Jon Kelley
> Jonathan Kelley
> email:
> Northeastern University
> College of Computer Science
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: Sat, 21 Oct 2000 13:58:18 -0400 (EDT)
>From: Jon Kelley <>
>To: Karl Lieberherr <>
>Subject: Error message compiling LabGuide
>Prof. Lieberherr,
>I am getting this error message when I type demjava test in
>the LabGuide directory. I am not sure what is going on
>but the copied everything into my home out of the right place.
>If you could tell me what is wrong, I would appreciate it.
>I haven't had any problem with demjava working up until
>now. Thanks,
>Jon Kelley
> Jonathan Kelley
> email:
> Northeastern University
> College of Computer Science

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