SVP - Small image experiments

by Bob Futrelle, 9/28/2001.

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Here are three images and some 32x views of their details. The the three tiny images are jpegs and the 32x views are gifs, which were generated by screen shots of a 32x view of the jpeg in my drawing app, Canvas. The 32x views tell you approximately what to expect when looking at the raster values. You can either mouse them to pull up a save menu or you can figure out from their URLs exactly what folder in my .www directory they reside in.

Below here is a tiny jpeg image, 6x6 pixels

And below here is a 32x version of the same image.

Below here is an antialiased image, 10 by 7 pixels

And below here is a 32x version of the same image

Below here is an asymmetric image, 6 by 7 pixels

And below here is a 32x version of the same image. There are actually some extremely light gray values besides the black pixels, but they are extremely hard to see in a browser.