Sunday, December 28, 2008


Teaching in Spring 2009 - Staying organized

These are very much comments to myself. But what is a blog anyway?

Spring 2009 is beginning. I taught grad AI in Spring 2008, but now will be teaching UG AI. The Russell and Norvig book is a biggy for an UG course, but it is the best and used all over. I'm also teaching UG HCI, which gives me a chance to refine the course, which I just taught in Fall 2008.

I need to find and provide more readings to help bring the courses alive. In AI it will be top papers from the Innovative Applications of AI conferences. In HCI I will be helped by picking from the collection of papers that my Fall 2008 class students collected for an assignment and for their projects.

I need to keep my presentations at the board salient and organized. Not easy for someone who free-associates as strongly and vividly as I do - that has its good points and bad.

I will also be keeping a log of all problems and questions from students, mostly from email, so as to not lose track of any of them. E.g., a student has to be absent from an exam or I give a student an extension, typically for a medical problem.

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