ACL-02 homepage

ACL-02 Sponsorship Program

Highlight your company's name as a leader in language technology

The 40th annual meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics will bring together approximately 500 professionals from universities, industrial research laboratories, both US and international government agencies, and commercial ventures. A highlight of this year's conference will be the prominent role given to commercial sponsors, aimed at attracting the latest e-Business trends in the field. If you are a Web-oriented company involved in language technology, this conference will offer the single best opportunity for visibility and impact in North America in the year 2002.

On behalf of the ACL, we would like to invite you to consider being a sponsor of the 2002 ACL conference. By sponsoring the ACL conference, you will demonstrate your company’s leadership in the exciting field of natural language processing to an audience of key researchers from industry, government, and academia. In addition, your contribution will help defray conference costs and provide special opportunities for students who otherwise would be unable to attend. You will be investing in the future of language technology by supporting student travel and accommodations, student sessions, and other conference activities. Sponsors at all levels are also invited to provide promotional material such as flyers and brochures for insertion into the attendees' conference kits. The policy on promotional materials provides details on this process.

In order to accommodate the needs of both large and small organizations, several levels of organizational sponsorship are offered, including specific event sponsorships, which will serve to promote the success of the conference as well as publicize your leadership and commitment to language technology.

Sponsorship levels include:

All sponsors will receive:

Additional Gold Sponsor benefits include:

Additional Silver Sponsorship level benefits include:

Additional Bronze level benefits include:

There are other sponsorship opportunities available as well: for instance, the specific sponsorship of the opening reception, the banquet, event entertainment, or special meeting events.

If you are interested in serving as a sponsor, please contact Deborah Dahl by any of the means listed below. Please also consider exhibiting your products at the conference. See the exhibits page for more details.

We hope you will participate in the 2002 ACL conference. The presence of your organization will greatly enhance the quality of the event and the interchange of ideas among researchers, developers, and customer communities.

Deborah Dahl
Exhibits/Sponsorship Chair, ACL 2002
Unisys Corporation
Voice: (610) 648-3483
FAX: (610) 695-5636