CS U540 Computer Graphics

Spring 2009: Meeting Time: M W Th 1:35 PM to 2:40 PM, Room

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Harriet Fell
Email: fell@ccs.neu.edu
Office: WVH-340
Phone: (617) 373-2198
Office Hours: M 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM; Th 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM


Teaching Assistant:



  • The syllabus includes a course description and grading policy.
  • The schedule includes class topics, exam dates, program due dates, and reading assignments.

Programming Assignments:

             [Top of Page | Documents | Programming Assignments | Lectures | Exams | Links ]


  1. Course Overview, the Sampler Program
  2. History (ppt file 1.75 MB)
  3. Primitives.java can be found in /course/csu540/CodeSamples
  4. ShapesPaths.java can be found in /course/csu540/CodeSamples
  5. MorePaths.java can be found in /course/csu540/CodeSamples
    RGB Color, ppm format (ppt file 1,707 KB)
  6. Lines (ppt file 300 KB)
    Stroking.java can be found in /course/csu540/CodeSamples
  7. Circles (ppt file 46 KB)
    Circles.java can be found in /course/csu540/CodeSamples
  8. SelectShape and ImageSelect can be found in /course/csu540/CodeSamples
  9. SketchCode can be found in /course/csu540/CodeSamples
  10. Scan-Line Fill (ppt file 1,654 KB)
  11. Flood Fill - FillDemo code can be foundin /course/csu540/CodeSamples
  12. Transformations and Matrices (ppt file 661 KB)
  13. Transformation in Java 2DGraphics - see Transforms2 and Transforms2004 in /course/csu540/CodeSamples
  14. Review
  15. Exam
  16. Go over exam
  17. All Clipping (ppt file 420 KB)
  18. more Clipping
  19. Polygon Clipping
  20. Triangles (ppt file 182 KB)
  21. Icosahedron (Wikipedia)
  22. About the first 3D assignment. See the triangle mesh ppt.
  23. Triangle Mesh (ppt file 376 KB)
  24. Curves (ppt file 689 KB)
  25. Cubic Splines
  26. Bezier Curves
  27. Gouraud and Phong Shading (ppt file 1.1 MB)
  28. RayTracing - Finding Visible Surfaces, Ray/Sphere Intersection
  29. Exam
  30. Ambient and Diffuse Reflection on Spheres
  31. Shadows
  32. Phong Highlight
  33. Fractals (ppt file 1.5 MB)
  34. L-Systems
  35. Morphing (ppt file 4.5 MB)
  36. Perlin Noise (ppt file 2.7 MB)
  37. Color (ppt file 1.6 MB)
  38. Animation (ppt file 3.7 MB)

Exam Problems:


Useful Links:

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Last Updated:

Harriet Fell
College of Computer Science, Northeastern University
360 Huntington Avenue #WVH-340,
Boston, MA 02115
Internet: fell@ccs.neu.edu
Phone: (617) 373-2198 / Fax: (617) 373-5121
The URL for this document is: http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/fell/CSU540/CSU540008.html