CS U540 Computer Graphics Syllabus

Professor Fell



The course charts a path through every major aspect of computer graphics, with varying degrees of emphasis:
  • Hardware: Size and speed
  • Lines and regions
  • Modeling: Objects and their relations
  • Viewing: What can be seen -- visibility and perspective
  • Rendering: How it looks -- properties of surfaces, light, and color
  • Transformations: Moving, placing, distorting, animation
  • Interaction: Drawing, selecting, transforming


Programming Assignments 50%
  • Sampler (10 %)
  • 2-D-Project Functional Spec (5 %)
  • 2-D-Project (10 %)
  • Color Triangle (5 %)
  • First 3-D-Project (10 %)
  • Second 3-D-Project (10 %)
Two Hour Exams 10% each
Final 30%

  • You must absolutely always hand in something on the due date for every assignment -- whatever you have managed to do, or at the very least, a note describing your progress and what you will get handed in, when, and why. A record will be kept for every assignment completed late, of the number of days it is late. Your lateness record will affect your final grade. If your code is not working, hand in what you have written, as well as comments on where you are (it is) stuck. Then get it working and hand it in again.
  • There will be a two 65-minute exams during regular class time.
    • closed book, one two-sided index card of notes
  • The final exam will be comprehensive.
    • closed book, one two-sided index card of notes


Fundamentals of Computer Graphics, Second Edition, Peter Shirley et al., AK Peters, 2005.


Last Updated:

Harriet Fell
College of Computer Science, Northeastern University
360 Huntington Avenue #WVH-340,
Boston, MA 02115
Internet: fell@ccs.neu.edu
Phone: (617) 373-2198 / Fax: (617) 373-5121
The URL for this document is: http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/fell/CSU540/syllabusCSU540.html