Problem Set 1

home work!

Topic Basic Writing

Due Monday, January 23, 2017 at 2pm

Purpose The goal of this assignment is to demonstrate competence in one of the prerequisites of this course and the PhD program in general, namely, basic writing skills.


Problem 1 Write a one-page description of your chosen programming language X and why it is your favorite. Consider one or all of the following topics:
  • programming language X has a [your adjective here] syntax,

  • programming language X has a [your adjective here] type system,

  • programming language X has a [your adjective here] pragmatics,

  • programming language X has a [your adjective here] tool suite,

  • programming language X is well-suited for Y applications.

Do not feel restricted to these attributes. If you consider another one the prime reason, use it to illustrate X’s power.

Imagine writing this memo for a manager in a development lab.

Be concise. Use active voice and descriptive verbs. Avoid subjective adjectives; instead bring across your preference through the technical description. Keep in mind that the addressee may check up on the facts that you present to support your claim. (Also, see the advice on memo1 provided on the Writing page.)

To format the memo, use (1) an 11-point font, (2) 1-in margins all around, (3) a header that specifies the paper title and the author(s) of the memo.

Deliverable Print your memo and put it in my mailbox in 202 WVH. I will mark it up for basic English problems. I will schedule times to meet with you on January 26th (1:30-3pm) to give you feedback. Then include a revised PDF version of the memo in the submission of problem set 3.