©2005 Felleisen, Proulx, et. al.

22  Traversing ArrayList


By now we are aware of the fact that there are many different ways to represent the same information. We have also seen that the same structure of data can represent all kinds of different information.

Java libraries, specifically the Java Collections Framework contain hierarchies of different classes and interfaces that can be used to represent data in many different forms. This allows the programmers to avoid mistakes, share code, and better understand programs written by others. We will learn about some of the classes and interfaces included in this framework, and will learn to read the documentation to understand how to use any of the others.

The first class from the framework we will use is ArrayList. It contains a list of data, similar to the lists we have build ourselves, and does not have a limit on the number of elements that can be added. Adding an element to an ArrayList mutates the list: the add method produces a boolen value that indicates success, but it does not produce a new ArrayList. Here is an example. We first construct an empty ArrayList:

  // using the constructor to build an empty ArrayList
  ArrayList alist = new ArrayList();

Now, the test shows us that it is initially empty, and after adding three elements, its size grows as expected. The examples also show the use of the methods get(int index) and set(int index, Object value):

public void runTests(){
  test("IsEmpty: ", true, alist.isEmpty());

  alist.add("Good Day");

  // currently the list has three elements
  test("IsEmpty: ", false, alist.isEmpty());
  test("Current size: ", 3, alist.size());

  // elements can be accessed directly via index
  test("element at 2: ", "Goodbye",  alist.get(2));
  test("element at 1: ", "Good day",  alist.get(1));
  test("element at 0: ", "Hello",  alist.get(0));

  test("change element at 0: ", "Hello",  alist.set(0, "Hi"));
  test("element at 0: ", "Hi",  alist.get(0));

We started with an empty ArrayList and added to it three String objects. Even though the method add produces a boolean value, we ignored this value, because we know it always produces true. The add method is included in an interface that is implemented by many other classes, some of which may not have the space available to add another element.

We then tested that the the method isEmpty() produced false and that the number of elements in the ArrayList is indeed three.

The data in an ArrayList is arranged in a linear fashion, and each element has a numberic label called index. The first element we added to alist has index 0, the next one has index 1, etc. If we wish to refer to an element of an ArrayList we use the method get and specify the desired index. So, the test

  test("element at 2: ", "Goodbye",  alist.get(2));

verified that the last element of alist was indeed "Goodbye".

The last two tests also illustrate the use of the method set(int index, Object value) that allows us to replace the element at a given location with a new one. This method returns the reference to the object that has been removed from the ArrayList.

Designing IRange iterator for ArrayList

We would like to use our IRange iterator to traverse over the elements in the ArrayList. To do so, we need to design a class ArrayListRange that implements Irange. The class needs at least one field -- to hold the instance of the ArrayListRange it traverses. Here is a skeleton of this class:

  public class ArrayListRange implements IRange{
    ArrayList alist;
    ... other fields if needed ...

    public ArrayListRange(ArrayList alist, ... ){
      this.alist = alist;

    public boolean hasMore(){

    public Object current(){

    public IRange next(){


At the first glance it looks like hasMore is the easiest method to write. However, let's hold of on that. For the ListRange the methods current and next mirrored the behavior of the first and rest field access. What is the first in an ArrayList? Well, is is the element at index 0, but only when we begin the traversal. The iterator produced by the next method should return the element at index 1 from it's current method.

A few examples should help us understand the problem better. For the following ArrayList

  ArrayList alist = new ArrayList();
  ... // followed by initialization - inside some method: ...
  alist.add("Good Day");

and the ArrayListRange iterator:

IRange alistIt = new ArrayListRange(alist, ...);

we expect the following behavior:

  // elements can be accessed directly via index
  test("element at 0: ", "Hello",  alistIt.current());
  IRange alisIt1 = alistIt.next();
  test("element at 1: ", "Good day",  alistIt1.current());

  IRange alisIt2 = alistIt1.next();
  test("element at 2: ", "Goodbye",  alistIt2.current());

  IRange alisIt3 = alistIt2.next();
  test("end of the ArrayList ", false,  alistIt3.hasMore());

It is clear that each ArrayListRange instance not only needs to know what is the ArrayList instance it is traversing, but also what is the current position in this traversal. That means, we should add a field to the class ArrayListRange that represents the current index. The hasMore method then determines whether the current index refers to a valid location in the ArrayList. Here is the complete class:

  public class ArrayListRange implements IRange{
    ArrayList alist;
    int index;

    // construct the IRange for the given ArrayList at the given index
    // index < 0 indicates no more elements to generate
    public ArrayListRange(ArrayList alist, int index){
      this.alist = alist;
      this.index = index;

    // current element available if the index is valid
    public boolean hasMore(){
      return (this.index >= 0) || 
             (this.index < alist.size());

    // throw exception if current element is not available
    public Object current(){
      if (this.hasMore())
        return alist.get(index);
        throw new NoSuchElementException(
                        "No element is available.");

    // throw exception if no further iteration is possible
    public IRange next(){
      if (this.hasMore())
        return new ArrayListRange(alist, index + 1);
        throw new NoSuchElementException(
                        "Iterator cannot advance further.");

We can now run the tests to make sure our iterator works as expected.

We can also add the tests from the previous lecture that included the method contains:

  // does the structure traversed with the given iterator
  // contain the given object
  boolean contains(IRange it, Object obj);

We modify examples shown there to use an ArrayList for the data container:

ArrayList mtlist = new ArrayLlist();
ArrayList list1 = new ArrayList();
ArrayList list2 = new ArrayList();

public void runTests(){

    IRange     itmt = new ArrayListRange(mtlist, 0);
    IListRange itl1 = new ArrayListRange(list1, 0);
    IRange     itl2 = new ArrayListRange(list2, 0);

    test("Test contains:", false, contains(itmt, "Hello"));
    test("Test contains:", true, contains(itl1, "Hello"));
    test("Test contains:", false, contains(itl1, "Bye"));
    test("Test contains:", true, contains(itl2, "Hello"));
    test("Test contains:", false, contains(itl2, "Hi"));

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