CS6140 Machine Learning

HW4A Boosting, Bagging, Active Learning, ECOC

Make sure you check the syllabus for the due date. Please use the notations adopted in class, even if the problem is stated in the book using a different notation.

In this HW you can use libraries (such as sklearn) for training Decision Trees, one-hot encoding / data preprocessing, and other math functions.

PROBLEM 1 Adaboost code [50 points]

Implement the boosting algorithm as described in class. Note that the specification of boosting provides a clean interface between boosting (the meta-learner) and the underlying weak learning algorithm: in each round, boosting provides a weighted data set to the weak learner, and the weak learner provides a predictor in return. You may choose to keep this clean interface (which would allow you to run boosting over most any weak learner) or you may choose to more simply incorporate the weak learning algorithm inside your boosting code.

  • Decision Stumps as simple classifiers

    Each predictor will correspond to a decision stump, which is just a feature-threshold pair (f,t); in other words a single-split decision tree. Note that for each feature, you may have many possible thresholds which we shall denote . Given an instance, a decision stump predict +1 if the input instance has a feature value exceeding the threshold otherwise, it predicts -1. To create the various thresholds for each feature you should

  • Boosting with Decision Stumps

     Run your Adaboost code on the Spambase dataset

    PROBLEM 2 [50 points] Adaboost on UCI datasets

    UCI datasets: AGR, BAL, BAND, CAR, CMC, CRX, MONK, NUR, TIC, VOTE. (These are archives which I downloaded a while ago. For more details and more datasets visit http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/). The relevant files in each folder are only two:  
       * .config : # of datapoints, number of discrete attributes, # of continuous (numeric) attributes. For the discrete ones, the possible values are provided, in order, one line for each attribute. The next line in the config file is the number of classes and their labels.
        * .data: following the .config convention the datapoints are listed, last column are the class labels.
    You should write a parser that given the .config file, reads the data from the .data file.

    A.  Run the Adaboost code on the UCI data and report the results. The datasets  CRX, VOTE are required, rest are optional

    B.  Run the algorithm for each of the required datasets using c% of the datapoints chosen randomly for training, for several c values: 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 50, 80. Test on a fixed fold (not used for training). For statistical significance, you can repeat the experiment with different randomly selected data or you can use cross-validation.

    C: Active Learning  Run your code from PB1 on Spambase, CRX, VOTE dataset to perform Active Learning. Specifically:

    - start with a training set of about 5% of the data (selected randomly)

    - iterate: train the Adaboost for T rounds; from the datapoints not in the training set; select the 2.5% ones that are closest to the separation surface (boosting score F(x) closest to 0) and add these to the training set (with labels). Keep training the ensemble, every T boosting rounds add data to training set until the size of the training set reaches 60% of the data.

    How is the performance improving with the training set increase? Compare the performance of the Adaboost algorithm on the c% randomly selected training set with c% actively-built training set for several values of c : 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 50. Perhaps you can obtain results like these

    PROBLEM 3 [50 points] Error Correcting Output Codes

    Run Boosting with ECOC functions on the 20Newsgroup dataset with extracted features. The zip file is called 8newsgroup.zip because the 20 labels have been grouped into 8 classes to make the problem easier. The features are unigram counts, preselected by us to keep only the relevant ones. 

    There are no missing values here! The dataset is written in a SPARSE FORMAT: "label featureId:featureValue featureId:featureValue featureId:featureValue ...". The features not listed are not missing values, they have zero values which were not written down to save space. In a full-matrix format, these values would be 0.

    ECOC are a better muticlass approach than one-vs-the-rest. Each ECOC function partition the multiclass dataset into two labels; then Boosting runs binary. Having K ECOC  functions means having K binary boosting models. On prediction, each of the K models predicts 0/1 and so the prediction is a "codeword" of length K 11000110101... from which the actual class have to be identified.

    You can use the following setup for 20newsgroup data set.

    - Use the exhaustive codes with 127 ECOC functions as described in the ECOC paper, or randomly select 20 functions.

    - Use all the given features

    - For each ECOC function, train an AdaBoost with decision stumps for 200 or more iterations

    The above procedure takes a few minutes (Cheng's optimized code, running on a Haswell i5 laptop) and gives us at least 70% accuracy on the test set. 

    PROBLEM 4 [50 points] Bagging

    Bagging setup:
  • Training: Run your Decision Tree classifier separately (from scratch) T=50 times. Each Decision Tree is trained on a sample-with-replacement set from the training dataset (every Decision Tree has its own sampled-training-set). You can limit the depth of the tree in order to simplify computation.
  • Sampling with replacement: Say there are N datapoints in the training set. Sampling with replacement, uniformly, for a sample of size N, works in the following way: in a sequence, independently of each other, select randomly and uniformly N times from the training datapoints. Once a datapoint is selected, it is still available for further sampling (hence "with replacement" methodology). Each sampled-training-set will have N datapoints; some points will be sampled overall more than once (duplicates) while other datapoints will not be sampled at all.
  • Testing: for a test datapoint, will run all T Decision Trees and average the predictions to obtain the final prediction.
  • Run bagging on Spambase dataset. Compare results with boosting.

    PROBLEM 7 [50p] Gradient Boosted Trees for Regression

    Run gradient boosting with regression trees on housing dataset. Essentially repeat the following procedure i=1:10 rounds on the training set. Start in round i=1with labels Y_x as the original labels.

    The overall prediction function is the sum of the trees. Report training and testing error.

    PROBLEM 8 [optional, no credit]

    Run Boosting with ECOC functions on the Letter Recognition Data Set (also a multiclass dataset).

    PROBLEM 9 [optional, no credit] Boosted Decision Trees

    Do PB1 with weak learners being  full decision trees  instead of stumps. The final classifier is referred as "boosted trees". Compare the results. Hints: there are two possible ways of doing this.

    PROBLEM 10 [optional, no credit] Rankboost

    - Implement rankboost algorithm following the rankboost paper and run it on TREC queries.

    PROBLEM 11 [Extra Credit] Gradient Boosted Trees

    Run gradient boosting with regression stumps/trees on 20Newsgroup dataset dataset.