The IS4200/CS6200 12S Homepage

Created: Sun 08 Jan 2012
Last modified: 

You have reached the homepage for the Northeastern University, College of Computer and Information Science, Spring 2012 session of Information Retrieval, also known as "IS4200" (undergraduate) and cross-listsed as "CS6200" (graduate). IS4200/CS6200 is a mixed graduate and undergraduate course on information retrieval. This course serves as an introduction to information retrieval systems and different approaches to information retrieval. Topics covered include evaluation of information retrieval systems; retrieval, language, and indexing models; file organization; compression; relevance feedback; clustering; distributed retrieval and metasearch; probabilistic approaches to information retrieval; web retrieval; filtering, collaborative filtering, and recommendation systems; cross-language IR; and machine learning for information retrieval.

This document, and all documents on this website, may be modified from time to time; be sure to reload documents on occasion and check the "last modified" date against any printed version you may have.


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