Herman Saksono Portfolio

Ph.D. candidate in Computer Science, Northeastern University

Storywell (2019)

Storywell monitoring, storybooks, and reflection

Storywell is a smartphone app for promoting physical activity in a family setting. When a family meets their activity goals, they will receive social rewards in the form of children's storybook chapters. The storybook chapters are supplemented with reflective questions to help families learn about factors that can help them to be active. Available on Google Play

Go & Grow (2019)

Go & Grow

Go & Grow is a garden themed game designed to promote physical activity and social connectedness for caregivers of individuals with Alzheimer’s disease or related dementia. In this interactive game, you will walk to grow your flowers and unlock more flowers by writing your stories! Available on Google Play

Spaceship Explorers (2014)

Spaceship Explorers game Spaceship Explorers game

Spaceship Explorers is an Android exergame to help individuals distinguish between light, moderate, and vigorous physical activities.

Spaceship Launch (2014)

Spaceship Launch game Spaceship Launch dashboard

Spaceship Launch is a collaborative exergame for promoting physical activities among families (Spacehip Launch demo). I deployed this exergame in a community gym on Spring 2014 and conducted field study to understand parental attitudes and preferences toward collaborative exergame.