Assignment 3 - ISU570 Human Computer Interaction

"Finding and critiquing two recent papers"

Posted 9/28/2007. Due 11:59pm, Wednesday, October 10th

Professor Futrelle, CCIS, Northeastern University - Fall 2007

version of 9/28/2007

Introduction to Assignment 3

This assignment will give you a chance to look into the research/review literature of Interaction Design. You'll be able to learn about topics in a way that goes beyond the way in which they're presented in your textbook. You will track down two papers, most likely on the same topic, from a high-quality journal or conference, papers published in the last five years, typically. Pay particular attention to the rules about formatting and handing in your assignment, as described on the introductory Assignments page. This assignment #3 is due 11:59pm, Wednesday, October 10th.

Your goal for this assignment

Briefly, your goal is to find and discuss papers that augment topics in our textbook or focus more deeply on topics in the book, or present experimental results on interaction design and users thereof, or papers that disagree with some parts of the book.

How to find papers

Snell Library has hardcopy and/or electronic subscriptions to thousands of journals. In addition, its links to ACM and IEEE publications can lead you to proceedings of conferences, such as the premiere HCI conference called CHI, e.g., CHI '07 has been published by the ACM. Two other excellent sites are Google Scholar, and CiteSeer.IST Both of these sites allow you to assess the quality of papers based on the number of people who have cited each paper. Picking a topic or a paper mentioned in the textbook will get your started.

How to write up your assignment

Write up your assignment very much in the way you did Assignment #2. But for the most part, there's no need to put figures in your assignment, because typically there will be figures your can (and should) refer to that are in the two papers you are analyzing.

What to hand in

Email your assignment #3 by the Wednesday evening deadline. As always, pay careful attention to how you write the subject line of your email and how you name the file you attach. Please hand in hardcopies of your two papers. Deadline for handing these two hardcopies is the Friday class, 10/12/2007, following your assignment deadline of Wednesday 10/10/2007.

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