Lisp Source Code for

	  Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming:
		     Case Studies in Common Lisp

The Lisp source code files for the book "Paradigms of Artificial
Intelligence Programming" are available on the Internet,
and on disk in Macintosh or DOS format from the publisher,
Morgan Kaufmann.  The total size is about 440K bytes in 78 files of
source code and data.  

			      The Files

Most of the files use some auxiliary macros and functions, so you
should load the file "auxfns" first.  Then load the files you are
interested in.  The index below gives the chapter in the book, file
name, and short description for each file.  

The function "requires" is used for a primitive form of control over
what files require other files to be loaded first.  If "requires" does
not work properly on your system you may have to alter its definition,
in the file "auxfns.lisp".  For more complicated use of these files,
you should follow the guidelines for organizing files explained in
Chapter 24.  A tutorial program that interactively runs many of the
examples from the book is available.  Run (tutor) and follow the

			   Index of Files

CH Filename		Description
== =======		===========
-  README		This file: explanation and index
-  errata.html		Corrections for bugs and typos
-  examples.lisp	A list of example inputs taken from the book
-  tutor.lisp		An interactive application for running the examples
-  gui-capi.lisp	Graphical User Interface for Harlequin's CAPI
-  gui-mcl.lisp		Graphical User Interface for Macintosh Common Lisp
-  Other/		A directory holding other files; mostly obsolete

24 loop.lisp		Load this first if your Lisp doesn't support ANSI LOOP
-  auxfns.lisp		Auxiliary functions; load this before anything else

1  intro.lisp		A few simple definitions
2  simple.lisp		Random sentence generator (two versions)
3  overview.lisp	14 versions of LENGTH and other examples

4  gps1.lisp		Simple version of General Problem Solver
4  gps.lisp		Final version of General Problem Solver

5  eliza1.lisp		Basic version of Eliza program
5  eliza.lisp		Eliza with more rules; different reader

6  patmatch.lisp	Pattern Matching Utility
6  eliza-pm.lisp	Version of Eliza using utilities
6  search.lisp		Search Utility
6  gps-srch.lisp	Version of GPS using the search utility 

7  student.lisp		The Student Program

8  macsyma.lisp		The Macsyma Program
8  macsymar.lisp	Simplification and integration rules for Macsyma


11 unify.lisp		Unification functions
11 prolog1.lisp		First version of Prolog interpreter
11 prolog.lisp		Final version of Prolog interpreter

12 prologc1.lisp	First version of Prolog compiler
12 prologc2.lisp	Second version of Prolog compiler
12 prologc.lisp		Final version of Prolog compiler
12 prologcp.lisp	Primitives for Prolog compiler

13 clos.lisp		Some object-oriented and CLOS code

14 krep1.lisp		Knowledge Representation code: first version 
14 krep2.lisp		Knowledge Representation code with conjunctions
14 krep.lisp		Final KR code: worlds and attached functions

15 cmacsyma.lisp	Efficient Macsyma with canonical form

16 mycin.lisp		The Emycin expert system shell
16 mycin-r.lisp		Some rules for a medical application of emycin

17 waltz.lisp		A Line-Labeling program using the Waltz algorithm

18 othello.lisp		The Othello playing program and some strategies
18 othello2.lisp	Additional strategies for Othello
18 edge-tab.lisp	Edge table for Iago strategy

19 syntax1.lisp		Syntactic Parser
19 syntax2.lisp		Syntactic Parser with semantics
19 syntax3.lisp		Syntactic Parser with semantics and preferences

20 unifgram.lisp	Unification Parser

21 grammar.lisp		Comprehensive grammar of English
21 lexicon.lisp		Sample Lexicon of English

22 interp1.lisp		Scheme interpreter, including version with macros
22 interp2.lisp		A tail recurive Scheme interpreter
22 interp3.lisp		A Scheme interpreter that handles call/cc

23 compile1.lisp	Simple Scheme compiler
23 compile2.lisp	Compiler with tail recursion and primitives
23 compile3.lisp	Compiler with peephole optimizer
23 compopt.lisp		Peephole optimizers for compile3.lisp