COM1370 Summer 2003 Final Exam Review - Prof. Futrelle

The Final Exam will be given 1pm Thursday 8/21 310 BK (Behrakis)

The Final exam will be a reprise of material that has appeared in our other tests this quarter plus any topics included in the previous reviews that didn't get covered on tests so far. Of course the actual questions on the Final can only be a subset of all that material. So you should look over the material lined on our exam information page here.

There are two important points to be made in addition:

1. The computation of surface normals as in the extra credit question for Quiz #2 may appear in a question which would be required and not extra credit. So be sure to practice computing the cross product as described in Sec. A.4.2, pages 1103-1105.

2. There will be an extra credit question on color illumination. This will involve understanding the illumination material of Chapter 16 up to and including Eq. 16.5. In addition, you'll need to understand the short section on "Colored lights and surfaces" (only the page 726 portion).

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