Elliptic Curve Library for Palm OS

Current version : 0.1 (Jan 12, 2003)

ECCLib is an implementation of the operations on elliptic curves for Palm OS.

Please follow the steps below to download the library files.

  1. Download the PRC file,

·        ECCLib.prc (for a Koblitz curve over GF(2^163))

·        ECCLib.prc( for a random curve over GF(2^191)) 

install it to your Palm Pilot.

  1. Download header files,

·         ECCLib.h and ecc.h (for the Koblitz curve over GF(2^163)), 

·         ECCLib.h and ecc.h (for the random curve over GF(2^191))

      Your C program needs to include the ECCLib.h only since ecc.h is already included in ECCLib.h.

  1. Finally, download ECCLib User's Manual and learn the library functions.

For people who are interested in getting the source, please e-mail to me :

Changes Log

(Jan 12, 2003) Version 0.1 : The initial version.