\def\popl#1{{\it {Conf. Rec. #1 ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages}\/}} \def\lics#1{{\it Proc. #1 IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science\/}} \def\lfp#1{{\it Proc. #1 ACM Symposium on Lisp and Functional Programming}} \def\tr{Northeastern University College of Computer Science Technical Report NU-CCS-} \def\mfcs#1{{\it Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science #1}} \begin{thebibliography}{10} \bibitem{Barendregt81} Henk~P. Barendregt. \newblock {\em The Lambda Calculus: Its Syntax and Semantics}. \newblock North-Holland, Am\-ster\-dam, 1981. \bibitem{BoyerMoore79} Robert~S. Boyer and J.~S. Moore. \newblock {\em A Computational Logic}. \newblock Academic Press, New York, 1979. \bibitem{Burstall69} Rod~M. Burstall. \newblock Proving Properties of Programs by Structural Induction. \newblock {\em Computer Journal}, 12(1):41--48, February 1969. \bibitem{Bolek91} Boleslaw Ciesielski and Mitchell Wand. \newblock Using the Theorem Prover Isabelle-91 to Verify a Simple Proof of Compiler Correctness. \newblock Technical Report NU-CCS-91-20, Northeastern University College of Computer Science, December 1991. \bibitem{Clinger84} William Clinger. \newblock The Scheme 311 Compiler: An Exercise in Denotational Semantics. \newblock In {\em {\lfp{1984}}}, pages 356--364, August 1984. \bibitem{FriedmanEtAl92} Daniel~P. Friedman, Mitchell Wand, and Christopher~T. Haynes. \newblock {\em Essentials of Programming Languages}. \newblock MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1992. \newblock Also McGraw-Hill, Chicago, 1992. \bibitem{GuttmanSwarupRamsdell93} J.~D. Guttman, V.~Swarup, and J.~Ramsdell. \newblock The {VLISP} Verified Scheme System. \newblock {\em Lisp and Symbolic Computation}, 1994. \newblock Submitted for publication. \bibitem{Hannan92} John Hannan and Frank Pfenning. \newblock Compiler Verification in {LF}. \newblock In Andre Scedrov, editor, {\em Proceedings of the Seventh Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science}, pages 407--418. {IEEE} Computer Society Press, 1992. \bibitem{HarperHonsellPlotkin93} Robert Harper, Furio Honsell, and Gordon Plotkin. \newblock A Framework for Defining Logics. \newblock {\em Journal of the ACM}, 40(1):143--184, 1993. \newblock preliminary version appeared in {\lics{2nd}}, 1987, 194--204. \bibitem{Hughes82} R.~J.~M. Hughes. \newblock Super Combinators: A New Implementation Method for Applicative Languages. \newblock In {\em {\lfp{1982}}}, pages 1--10, 1982. \bibitem{Meyer82} Albert~R. Meyer. \newblock What Is a Model of the Lambda Calculus? \newblock {\em Information and Control}, 52:87--122, 1982. \bibitem{NadathurMiller88} G.~Nadathur and D.~Miller. \newblock An Overview of {$\lambda$-Prolog}. \newblock In Kowalski and Bowen, editors, {\em Logic Programming: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference and Symposium}, pages 810--827, Cambridge, MA, 1988. MIT Press. \bibitem{Nipkow91} Tobias Nipkow. \newblock Nigher-Order Critical Pairs. \newblock In {\em {\lics{6th}}}, pages 342--349, 1991. \bibitem{OlivaRamsdellWand94} Dino~P. Oliva, John~D. Ramsdell, and Mitchell Wand. \newblock The VLISP Verified PreScheme Compiler. \newblock {\em Lisp and Symbolic Computation}, 1994. \newblock submitted for publication. \bibitem{Paulson89} Lawrence~C. Paulson. \newblock The Foundation of a Generic Theorem Prover. \newblock {\em Journal of Automated Reasoning}, 5:363--397, 1989. \bibitem{Pfenning91} Frank Pfenning. \newblock Logic Programming in the {LF} Logical Framework. \newblock In G.~Huet and G.~Plotkin, editors, {\em Logical Frameworks}, pages 149--181. Cambridge University Press, 1991. \bibitem{Talcott93} Carolyn Talcott. \newblock A Theory of Binding Structures and Applications to Rewriting. \newblock {\em Theoretical Computer Science}, 112:99--143, 1993. \bibitem{Wand82c} Mitchell Wand. \newblock Deriving Target Code as a Representation of Continuation Semantics. \newblock {\em ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems}, 4(3):496--517, July 1982. \bibitem{Wand82b} Mitchell Wand. \newblock Semantics-Directed Machine Architecture. \newblock In {\em {\popl{9th}}}, pages 234--241, 1982. \bibitem{Wand83b} Mitchell Wand. \newblock Loops in Combinator-Based Compilers. \newblock {\em Information ~and Control}, 57(2--3):148--164, May/June 1983. \bibitem{WandConcur94} Mitchell Wand. \newblock Compiler Correctness for Parallel Languages. \newblock in preparation, August 1994. \bibitem{WandOliva92} Mitchell Wand and Dino~P. Oliva. \newblock Proving the Correctness of Storage Representations. \newblock In {\em {\lfp{1992}}}, pages 151--160, 1992. \bibitem{WandWang90} Mitchell Wand and Zheng-Yu Wang. \newblock Conditional Lambda-Theories and the Verification of Static Properties of Programs. \newblock In {\em {\lics{5th}}}, pages 321--332, 1990. \end{thebibliography}