Welcome to DrScheme, version 209. Language: ProfessorJ: Intermediate. > Examples e = new Examples(); > e Examples( snow = Picture( title = "Snow.gif", width = 400, height = 200), beach = Picture( title = "Beach.gif", width = 200, height = 300), bluff = Picture( title = "Bluff.gif", width = 200, height = 600), tom = Item( name = "tomato", pieces = 3, price = 50), pep = Item( name = "pepper", pieces = 2, price = 60), rad = Item( name = "raddish", pieces = 6, price = 10), b2n = Segment( from = "Boston", to = "NYC", miles = 200, gallons = 10, price = 210), n2t = Segment( from = "NYC", to = "Trenton", miles = 120, gallons = 5, price = 200), t2p = Segment( from = "Trenton", to = "Philly", miles = 80, gallons = 2, price = 180), testSameP1 = true, testSameP2 = true, testSameI1 = true, testSameI2 = true, testSameS1 = true, testSameS2 = true, mtlist = MTLoObj(), objPictures = ConsLoObj( first = Picture( title = "Snow.gif", width = 400, height = 200), rest = ConsLoObj( first = Picture( title = "Beach.gif", width = 200, height = 300), rest = ConsLoObj( first = Picture( title = "Bluff.gif", width = 200, height = 600), rest = MTLoObj()))), objSalad = ConsLoObj( first = Item( name = "tomato", pieces = 3, price = 50), rest = ConsLoObj( first = Item( name = "pepper", pieces = 2, price = 60), rest = ConsLoObj( first = Item( name = "raddish", pieces = 6, price = 10), rest = MTLoObj()))), objTrip = ConsLoObj( first = Segment( from = "Boston", to = "NYC", miles = 200, gallons = 10, price = 210), rest = ConsLoObj( first = Segment( from = "NYC", to = "Trenton", miles = 120, gallons = 5, price = 200), rest = ConsLoObj( first = Segment( from = "Trenton", to = "Philly", miles = 80, gallons = 2, price = 180), rest = MTLoObj()))), testContainsP1 = true, testContainsP2 = true, testContainsI1 = true, testContainsI2 = true, testContainsS1 = true, testContainsS2 = true, testSameLP1 = true, testSameLP2 = true, testSameLI1 = true, testSameLI2 = true, testSameLS1 = true, testSameLS2 = true) >