Instructions for working with files for Week 8 homework. Download the file and the jpt.jar file Open Eclipse, create a new Project Select Import from File menu -- Zip File - then select Week8.jar Add jpt.jar to the class path (see below) Build project Run Project ------------------ Add jpt.jar to the classpath: In Eclipse plugins folder make a directory edu.neu.ccs and save jpt.jar there From Project menu select Properties, then select Java Build Path on the right. From the middle choices, select Libraries choose Add External JARs and find the jpt.jar to add to the project class path ------------------ When you run the project. you will get a GU with one button for each public void some-method() in the TestsWeek8 class Add new test methods to this class as you work on your project. ------------------- If you are working in an environment other than Eclipse, make sure jpt.jar in in your classpath FILES TO READ: - these contain code you are already familiar with - interface for your homework solution - examples of tests for the code in recursivelists file Follow the examples when designing your own tests. (Ignore and do not modify: ActivityIconAlt, JPFalt, JPFApplicationAlt, JPFBase, MethodGUIalt files)