CS 3500 Fall 2013 Assignment 0 ------------ The goal of this assignment is for you to learn how to use the WebCAT homework server. The server not only saves your homework and makes is accessible for the graders, it also does some of the grading automatically. The server checks the code style of your code - the white space, line lengths, using spaces, not tabs, the tab width (set at 4), the mandatory use of curly braces around the clauses for the if and else statements, etc. The server verifies that the Javadoc documentation for your program follows the Javadoc rules and is complete. The server checks that your program has a sufficient test coverage, i.e. that all methods in your program are run when the test program runs. The test cases must be written either using the JUnit test harness or the tester library we have used in Fundies 2. Additionally, the instructors can write their own tests to see that your program can withstand even harsher testing than what you have designed. The server then runs these tests and reports your failure to satisfy them. Not all assignments we will give you will require all of these checks to pass, but you need to know what each of the means and how the server notifies you of the failures in each of these categories. For this assignment you get 5 points for the code style and 5 points for testing for a total of 10 points. The goal is for you to make sure you get all 10 points - as that will mean you have satisfied all of the above checks. Problem: -------- Design the method with the following signature in the class MyAlgorithms: public static void sort(ArrayList slist) The method consumes an ArrayList of String-s and mutates it so it is sorted in the alphabetical order. You can use any sorting algorithm you have learned, but may not used the sort method defined in the Java Collection Framework library. Due date: --------- Tuesday, September 10 2013 at 11:59 pm Warning: -------- Do not wait until the last minute to submit your work. Do it early and often - there is no limit on the number of submissions and you can retrieve your earlier submissions as if they were saved in a version control system. It takes a bit of time to do the automatic grading and the system can be slow when too many students are submitting simultaneously.