import java.awt.Color; import java.util.Iterator; import javalib.colors.Red; import javalib.soundworld.World; import; import; import; import javalib.worldimages.CircleImage; import javalib.worldimages.DiskImage; import javalib.worldimages.FromFileImage; import javalib.worldimages.LineImage; import javalib.worldimages.OvalImage; import javalib.worldimages.Posn; import javalib.worldimages.RectangleImage; import javalib.worldimages.TextImage; import javalib.worldimages.TriangleImage; import javalib.worldimages.WorldEnd; import javalib.worldimages.WorldImage; import tester.Tester; /** * Copyright 2012 Viera K. Proulx * This program is distributed under the terms of the * GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) * * @author Viera K. Proulx, Virag Shah * @since 5 February 2012, 20 November 2012 */ /** Class that represents little houses with clouds above */ public class TickyTackSong extends World { House h1 = new House(new Posn(0, 300), 60, 80,; House h2 = new House(new Posn(60, 300), 60, 40,; House h3 = new House(new Posn(120, 300), 80, 60,; House h4 = new House(new Posn(200, 300), 70, 50, Color.cyan); House h5 = new House(new Posn(270, 300), 90, 70, Color.yellow); House h6 = new House(new Posn(360, 300), 80, 60, Color.magenta); House h7 = new House(new Posn(440, 300), 90, 70,; WorldImage familyImage = new FromFileImage(new Posn(30,272), "family.png"); Tree t1 = new Tree(new Posn(550, 300), 40, 50, 80); Tree t2 = new Tree(new Posn(580, 300), 20, 30, 30); Cloud cloud; Sun sun = new Sun(20); Iterator tuneToPlay = (new Song()).iterator(); int play = 0; int[] tickyTackTune = new int[] { 67, 69, 64, 0, 62, 0, 67, 69, 64, 0, 62, 0, 67, 67, 72, 72, 72, 74, 76, 74, 72, 0, 72, 69, 65, 0, 65, 0, 67, 69, 64, 0, 64, 0, 64, 0, 65, 0, 62, 0 }; TickyTackSong(Cloud cloud, Sun sun) { = cloud; this.sun = sun; } // move the cloud, making sure there is always a cloud in the sky public void onTick() {, 600); this.tickTunes.addNote(PIANO,; //this.tickTunes.addTune(new Tune(TUBA,; //this.tickTunes.addTune(new Tune(TUBA, // new Note(this.tickyTackTune[(play++) % 48]))); //this.tickTunes.addNote(TUBA, // new Note(this.tickyTackTune[(play++) % 48])); } // the space bar makes the sun grow till max, then shrink and grow again public void onKeyEvent(String ke){ if (ke.equals(" ")) this.sun = new Sun(this.sun.size + 3); else if (ke.equals("x")) this.endOfWorld("Have a nice Day!"); else if (ke.equals("up")) this.keyTunes.addNote(BIRD_TWEET, new Note("C4n2")); else if (ke.equals("a")) this.keyTunes.addNote(BIRD_TWEET, new Note("G2n4")); else if (ke.equals("s")) this.keyTunes.addNote(BIRD_TWEET, new Note("G2n4")); else if (ke.equals("d")) { this.keyTunes.addNote(BAGPIPE, new Note("E2f4")); this.keyTunes.addNote(BAGPIPE, new Note("C2n4")); this.keyTunes.addNote(CLARINET, new Note("B2n4")); } else if (ke.equals("f")) this.keyTunes.addNote(CLARINET, new Note("B4n4")); else if (ke.equals("g")) this.keyTunes.addNote(CLARINET, new Note("G2n4")); } // move the cloud to the location of the mouse click - if it is high enough public void onMouseClicked(Posn p) { if (p.y < 100) = p; } //say goodbye to the sun, when it gets to be big enough again public WorldEnd worldEnds() { if (10 < sun.size && sun.size < 20) return new WorldEnd(true, this.makeImage().overlayImages( new TextImage(new Posn(150, 80), "Goodbye sun!", 15, 3, new Red()))); else return new WorldEnd(false, this.makeImage()); } // produce the image of the whole world - // with all houses, both trees, the cloud and the sun public WorldImage makeImage() { return new RectangleImage(new Posn(300, 150), 600, 300, .overlayImages( this.h1.houseImage(), this.h2.houseImage(), this.h3.houseImage(), this.h4.houseImage(), this.h5.houseImage(), this.h6.houseImage(), this.h7.houseImage(), this.t1.treeImage(), this.t2.treeImage(),, this.familyImage, this.sun.sunImage()); } public WorldImage lastImage(String s) { return this.makeImage().overlayImages( new TextImage(new Posn(150, 80), s, 15, 3, new Red())); } // support for the regression tests public static ExamplesTickyTackSong examplesInstance = new ExamplesTickyTackSong(); } //A class to display one of the ticky-tacky houses on the hillside. class House { Posn loc; // of the SW corner of the house base int width; // the width of the house int height; // the height of the house Color color; // the color of the house Person person; House(Posn loc, int width, int height, Color color) { this.loc = loc; this.width = width; this.height = height; this.color = color; this.person = new Person(new Posn(this.loc.x + this.width / 2, this.loc.y - this.height / 4), this.width / 2, this.height / 2, this.color); } // make the image of this house WorldImage houseImage() { return new RectangleImage( // the pinhole in the center new Posn(this.loc.x + this.width / 2, this.loc.y - this.height / 2), this.width, this.height, this.color). overlayImages( // the roof - the height is half the height of the house new TriangleImage(new Posn(this.loc.x, this.loc.y - this.height), new Posn(this.loc.x + this.width, this.loc.y - this.height), new Posn(this.loc.x + this.width / 2, this.loc.y - 3 * this.height / 2),, // the door - black in the middle new RectangleImage(new Posn(this.loc.x + this.width / 2, this.loc.y - this.height / 4), this.width / 2, this.height / 2, Color.gray), this.person.personImage()); } } class Person { Posn pinhole; int width; int height; Color color; Person(Posn pinhole, int width, int height, Color color) { this.pinhole = pinhole; this.width = width; this.height = height; this.color = color; } // make the image of this house WorldImage personImage() { return // draw the legs new LineImage(this.pinhole, new Posn(this.pinhole.x - this.width / 2, this.pinhole.y + this.height / 2), new LineImage(this.pinhole, new Posn(this.pinhole.x + this.width / 2, this.pinhole.y + this.height / 2),, // draw the arms new LineImage(this.pinhole, new Posn(this.pinhole.x + this.width / 2, this.pinhole.y),, new LineImage(this.pinhole, new Posn(this.pinhole.x - this.width / 2, this.pinhole.y),, // draw the torso //new RectangleImage(this.pinhole, this.width / 3, 2 * this.height / 3, // this.color), // draw the head new CircleImage(new Posn(this.pinhole.x, this.pinhole.y - this.height / 4), this.height / 4,; } } // a class to add some trees to the ticky-tack world class Tree { Posn loc; // the left base of the trunk int trunkHeight; // the height of the trunk int width; // the width of the crown of the tree int height; // the height of the crown of the tree Tree(Posn loc, int trunkHeight, int width, int height){ this.loc = loc; this.trunkHeight = trunkHeight; this.width = width; this.height = height; } //make the image of this tree WorldImage treeImage() { return // the trunk new RectangleImage(new Posn(this.loc.x + 5, this.loc.y - this.trunkHeight / 2), 10, this.trunkHeight, new Color(0x84, 0x3c, 0x24)).overlayImages( new OvalImage(new Posn(this.loc.x + 5, this.loc.y - this.trunkHeight - this.height / 2 + 3), this.width, this.height,; } } // a white cloud floating over the ticky-tack houses class Cloud { Posn loc; int width; int height; Cloud(Posn loc, int width, int height) { this.loc = loc; this.width = width; this.height = height; } // move this cloud east with the wind void move(int dx) { this.loc.x = this.loc.x + dx; } // when cloud moves off the canvas, move it back to the west void moveInBounds(int dx, int hbound) { if (this.loc.x + dx > hbound) this.loc.x = dx; else this.loc.x = this.loc.x + dx; } //make the image of this cloud WorldImage cloudImage() { return new OvalImage(this.loc, this.width, this.height, Color.white) .overlayImages( new OvalImage(new Posn(this.loc.x - this.width / 4, this.loc.y - this.height / 4), this.width / 2, this.width / 2, Color.white), new OvalImage(new Posn(this.loc.x + this.width / 4, this.loc.y - this.height / 2), this.width / 2, this.height / 2, Color.white)); } } // the sun above this pretty world class Sun{ int size; // limited to less than 30 Sun(int size){ this.size = size % 30; } //make the image of this sun - somewhat transparent WorldImage sunImage() { return new DiskImage(new Posn(50, 50), this.size, new Color(255, 255, 0, 230)); } } // the ticky-tack song class Song implements SoundConstants, Iterable { Note a = new Note("A5n1"); Note c2 = new Note("C4n2"); Note d2 = new Note("D4n2"); Note e2 = new Note("E4n2"); Note e = new Note("E4n1"); Note f2 = new Note("F4n2"); Note f = new Note("F4n1"); Note g2 = new Note("G4n2"); Note g = new Note("G4n1"); Note cup2 = new Note("C5n2"); Note cup = new Note("C5n1"); Note dup = new Note("D5n1"); Note eup = new Note("E5n1"); Note silent = new Note(0, 0); Note[] tickyTackSong = new Note[] { // li-ttle bo-xes this.g, this.a, this.e2, this.silent, this.c2, this.silent, // on the hill side this.g, this.a, this.e2, this.silent, this.c2, this.silent, // li-ttle bo-xes this.g, this.g, this.cup, this.silent, this.cup, this.silent, // made of ti-cky ta-cky this.cup, this.dup, this.eup, this.dup, this.cup2, this.silent, // li-ttle bo-xes this.cup, this.a, this.g2, this.silent, this.g2, this.silent, // li-ttle bo-xes this.g, this.a, this.f2, this.silent, this.f2, this.silent, // and they all look this.f, this.g, this.e2, this.silent, this.e2, this.silent, // just the same this.e, this.f, this.d2, this.silent, this.silent, this.silent }; public Iterator iterator() { return new SongIterator(this.tickyTackSong); } } // a circular iterator for the given Array of notes // must play a silent note when pausing class SongIterator implements Iterator { Note[] song; int i; int len; SongIterator(Note[] song) { = song; this.len = song.length; this.i = this.len - 1; } // circular iterator - never runs out of notes ot play public boolean hasNext() { return true; } // produce the next note to play public Note next() { this.i = (i + 1) % 48; return[i]; } // do nothing on remove public void remove() { } } class ExamplesTickyTackSong { ExamplesTickyTackSong() { } House h1 = new House(new Posn(0, 300), 60, 80,; House h2 = new House(new Posn(60, 300), 60, 40,; House h3 = new House(new Posn(120, 300), 80, 60,; House h4 = new House(new Posn(200, 300), 70, 50, Color.cyan); House h5 = new House(new Posn(270, 300), 90, 70, Color.yellow); House h6 = new House(new Posn(360, 300), 80, 60, Color.magenta); House h7 = new House(new Posn(440, 300), 90, 70,; WorldImage familyImage = new FromFileImage(new Posn(30,272), "family.png"); Tree t1 = new Tree(new Posn(550, 300), 40, 50, 80); Tree t2 = new Tree(new Posn(580, 300), 20, 30, 30); Cloud cloud = new Cloud(new Posn(200, 100), 90, 60); Sun sun = new Sun(25); WorldImage wholeworld = new RectangleImage(new Posn(300, 150), 600, 300, .overlayImages( this.h1.houseImage(), this.h2.houseImage(), this.h3.houseImage(), this.h4.houseImage(), this.h5.houseImage(), this.h6.houseImage(), this.h7.houseImage(), this.t1.treeImage(), this.t2.treeImage(),, this.familyImage, this.sun.sunImage()); TickyTackSong tworld = new TickyTackSong(, new Sun(25)); void reset() { this.sun = new Sun(25); = new Cloud(new Posn(200, 100), 90, 60); this.tworld = new TickyTackSong(, new Sun(25)); } // test the method move in the class Cloud void testMove(Tester t) { this.reset();; t.checkExpect(, new Cloud(new Posn(205, 100), 90, 60)); } // test the method moveInBounds in the class Cloud void testMoveInBounds(Tester t) { this.reset();, 300); t.checkExpect(, new Cloud(new Posn(205, 100), 90, 60));, 200); t.checkExpect(, new Cloud(new Posn(5, 100), 90, 60)); } // test the constructor for the sun void testSunConstructor(Tester t) { t.checkExpect(new Sun(35), new Sun(5)); } // test the method onTick for the ticky-tack world void testOnTick(Tester t) { this.reset(); TuneBucket nowPlaying = this.tworld.nowPlaying(); t.checkExpect(nowPlaying.bucketSize(), 0); t.checkExpect(this.tworld, this.tworld); this.tworld.testOnTick(); t.checkExpect(, new Cloud(new Posn(208, 100), 90, 60)); nowPlaying = this.tworld.nowPlaying(); t.checkExpect(nowPlaying.bucketSize(), 1); t.checkExpect(nowPlaying.contains(TickyTackSong.PIANO, new Note("G4n1")), true); this.tworld.testOnTick(); t.checkExpect(, new Cloud(new Posn(216, 100), 90, 60)); nowPlaying = this.tworld.nowPlaying(); t.checkExpect(nowPlaying.bucketSize(), 1); t.checkExpect(nowPlaying.contains(TickyTackSong.PIANO, new Note("G4n1")), false); t.checkExpect(nowPlaying.contains(TickyTackSong.PIANO, new Note("A5n1")), true); this.tworld.testOnTick(); t.checkExpect(, new Cloud(new Posn(224, 100), 90, 60)); nowPlaying = this.tworld.nowPlaying(); t.checkExpect(nowPlaying.bucketSize(), 1); t.checkExpect(nowPlaying.contains(TickyTackSong.PIANO, new Note("A5n1")), false); t.checkExpect(nowPlaying.contains(TickyTackSong.PIANO, new Note("E4n2")), true); this.tworld.testOnTick(); t.checkExpect(, new Cloud(new Posn(232, 100), 90, 60)); nowPlaying = this.tworld.nowPlaying(); t.checkExpect(nowPlaying.bucketSize(), 2); t.checkExpect(nowPlaying.contains(TickyTackSong.PIANO, new Note("E4n2")), false); t.checkExpect(nowPlaying.contains(TickyTackSong.PIANO, new Note("E4n1")), true); t.checkExpect(nowPlaying.contains(TickyTackSong.PIANO, new Note("A0n0")), true); this.tworld.testOnTick(); t.checkExpect(, new Cloud(new Posn(240, 100), 90, 60)); nowPlaying = this.tworld.nowPlaying(); t.checkExpect(nowPlaying.bucketSize(), 1); t.checkExpect(nowPlaying.contains(TickyTackSong.PIANO, new Note("E4n2")), false); t.checkExpect(nowPlaying.contains(TickyTackSong.PIANO, new Note("E4n1")), false); t.checkExpect(nowPlaying.contains(TickyTackSong.PIANO, new Note("A0n0")), false); t.checkExpect(nowPlaying.contains(TickyTackSong.PIANO, new Note("C4n2")), true); for(int i = 0; i < 45; i++) this.tworld.testOnTick(); t.checkExpect(, new Cloud(new Posn(600, 100), 90, 60)); nowPlaying = this.tworld.nowPlaying(); t.checkExpect(nowPlaying.bucketSize(), 1); t.checkExpect(nowPlaying.contains(TickyTackSong.PIANO, new Note("A5n1")), true); this.tworld.testOnTick(); t.checkExpect(, new Cloud(new Posn(8, 100), 90, 60)); nowPlaying = this.tworld.nowPlaying(); t.checkExpect(nowPlaying.bucketSize(), 1); t.checkExpect(nowPlaying.contains(TickyTackSong.PIANO, new Note("A5n1")), false); t.checkExpect(nowPlaying.contains(TickyTackSong.PIANO, new Note("E4n2")), true); this.reset(); nowPlaying = this.tworld.nowPlaying(); t.checkExpect(nowPlaying.bucketSize(), 0); t.checkExpect(this.tworld, this.tworld); } // test the method onKeyEvent for the ticky-tack world // for now there are no tests for the sounds associated with // ket events void testOnKeyEvent(Tester t) { this.reset(); t.checkExpect(this.tworld, this.tworld); this.tworld.onKeyEvent(" "); t.checkExpect(this.tworld.sun, new Sun(28)); this.tworld.onKeyEvent(" "); t.checkExpect(this.tworld.sun, new Sun(1)); this.tworld.onKeyEvent("x"); t.checkExpect(this.tworld, this.tworld); this.reset(); this.tworld.onKeyEvent("b"); t.checkExpect(this.tworld, this.tworld); this.reset(); this.tworld.onKeyEvent(" "); t.checkExpect(this.tworld.sun, new Sun(28)); // test world ending key event this.tworld.onKeyEvent("x"); t.checkExpect(this.tworld, this.tworld); } // test the method onMouseClicked in the class Cloud void testOnMouseClicked(Tester t) { this.reset(); this.tworld.onMouseClicked(new Posn(150, 80)); t.checkExpect(this.tworld, new TickyTackSong(new Cloud(new Posn(150, 80), 90, 60), this.sun)); this.tworld.onMouseClicked(new Posn(150, 180)); t.checkExpect(this.tworld, this.tworld); } // run the ticky-tack game void testWholeWorld(Tester t) { this.tworld.bigBang(600, 300, 0.2); } public static void main(String[] argv) { ExamplesTickyTackSong ett = new ExamplesTickyTackSong(); Tester.runReport(ett, false, false); } }