import tester.*; import funworld.*; import geometry.*; import colors.*; import java.awt.*; // CS 2510 Lab 5: Designing World Games // 7 February 2012 // A Shark is a new Shark(Integer, Integer) // Interp: new Shark(y) represents shark at height y in graphics coordinates class Shark { Integer y; Integer health; WorldImage sharkImage; Shark(Integer y, Integer health) { this.y = y; = health; this.sharkImage = new FromFileImage(new CartPt(30, y), "shark.png"); } // This shark chomps the fish public Shark chomp(Fish f) { // this.y f.p return new Shark(this.y, +; } //move this shark up or down depending of the key public Shark onKey(String ke){ // move this shark up or down depending of the key return this; } } // A Fish swims in the ocean and provides some food value for the shark class Fish { CartPt p; // the current osition of this fish Integer health; // the food value of this fish for the shark // make a new fish Fish(CartPt p, Integer health) { this.p = p; = health; } // Move this fish left. public Fish moveLeft() { return new Fish(this.p.moveLeft(3),; } // Is this fish close to the given shark? /* public Boolean closeByHuh(Shark that) { ... } */ // produce an image of this fish at this fish's location WorldImage makeFishImage(){ return new FromFileImage(this.p, "pink-fish.png"); } } // a CartPt extends the Posn class that represents the (x,y) // in graphics coordinates and allows for adding new methods class CartPt extends Posn { // the super constructor does the job CartPt(Integer x, Integer y) { super(x, y); } // Move this posn left dx units. public CartPt moveLeft(Integer dx) { return new CartPt(this.x-dx, this.y); } } // A School is one of: // - new EmptySchool() // - new ConsSchool(Fish, School) // to represent a school of fish interface School { // produce an image of this fishies at this their locations public WorldImage makeFishiesImage(); } // to represent an empty school of fish (no fish) class EmptySchool implements School { EmptySchool() {} // produce an image of this fishies at this their locations public WorldImage makeFishiesImage(){ return new RectangleImage(new Posn(0, 0), 0, 0, new White()); } } // to represent a school with at least one fish class ConsSchool implements School { Fish first; School rest; ConsSchool (Fish first, School rest) { this.first = first; = rest; } // produce an image of this fishies at this their locations public WorldImage makeFishiesImage(){ return this.first.makeFishImage().overlayImages(; } } // the world of a game where the fish swim left to right and the shark on the // right is trying to eat as many as possible to keep alive class OceanWorld extends World{ int WIDTH = 600; // constant values, never change int HEIGHT = 300; // constant values, never change Shark shark; // the shark in the game School fishies; // the fish in the game OceanWorld(Shark shark, School fishies){ this.shark = shark; this.fishies = fishies; } // produce the image of this world with the shark and fishies... public WorldImage makeImage(){ return new RectangleImage(new Posn(300, 150), this.WIDTH, this.HEIGHT, overlayImages(this.shark.sharkImage, this.fishies.makeFishiesImage()); } } // examples and tests for the ocean world class ExamplesOceanWorld { ExamplesOceanWorld() {} CartPt p = new CartPt(100, 200); Fish f = new Fish(p, 5); Shark shark = new Shark(50, 40); School nofish = new EmptySchool(); School onefish = new ConsSchool(this.f, this.nofish); OceanWorld ow = new OceanWorld(this.shark, this.onefish); // test the method moveLeft for the CartPt class public boolean testMoveLeftCartPt(Tester t){ return t.checkExpect(new CartPt(100,0).moveLeft(5), new CartPt(95,0)); } // test the method moveLeft for the Fish class public boolean testMoveLeftFish(Tester t){ return t.checkExpect(this.f.moveLeft(), new Fish(new CartPt(97,200),; } // test the method chomp for the Shark class public boolean testChompShark(Tester t){ return t.checkExpect(this.shark.chomp(this.f), new Shark(this.shark.y, +; } // run this world at the tick rate 0.1 public boolean testRunWorld(Tester t){ return this.ow.bigBang(600, 300, 0.1); } }