CSU 213 Assignment 5: Spring 2007

Grading Rubric: Total = 27 points

5.1-5.6 BST definitions and methods 17 points total
3 points for Design classes for BSTs 1 point -- for definition of the three classes 1 point -- for purpose statements 1 point -- for examples of data 0 points for Method 'same' 7 points for Method 'insert': 1 point -- purpose and header in the abstract class/interface 1 points -- for correct body for the Leaf class 2 points -- for the correct body for the Node class 1 point -- example for the Leaf class 2 points -- for examples for the Node class 0 points for Lists of Strings; sort method for these 7 points Method 'inorder': 1 point -- purpose and header in the abstract class/interface 1 points -- for correct body for the Leaf class 2 points -- for the correct body for the Node class 1 point -- example for the Leaf class 2 points -- for examples for the Node class 0 points Method 'contains'
5.7 Exploration 7 points total
2 points for Part 1: 2 points -- for examples that show that the inorder results are the same for different sequence of insertions 0 points for Part 2 5 points for Part 3: 1 point -- purpose and header explains what is being tested 2 points -- solution works correctly 2 points -- examples and tests 0 points for Part 4 0 points for Part 5
5.8 Method 'delete' 0 points total

5.9 Analytical problem 3 points total
3 points for quiestions: 1 point -- for each correct answer