CSU 213 Assignment 4: Spring 2007

Assignment 4 Grading Rubric: 42 points total
Part 1: Apples 23 points total
0 points for Methods goodCount, onlyGood 3 points for Method biggest 1 point -- purpose and header in the interface 1 point -- body of the method in the Cons class 1 point -- examples 8 points for Method sort and method insert 1 point -- sort - purpose and header in the interface 1 point -- sort - body of the method in the Cons class 1 point -- sort - examples 1 point -- insert - purpose and header in the interface 2 points -- insert - body of the method in the Cons class 2 points -- insert - examples 0 points for Method goodCount2, goodCountAcc, and updateGoodCountAcc 6 points for Method onlyGoodAcc 3 points -- for the updateOnlyGoodAcc method 3 points -- for the onlyGood2, onlyGoodAcc methods 1 point -- purpose and header in the interface 1 point -- body of the method in the Cons class 1 point -- examples (should reuse examples from onlyGood; new examples for update) 6 points for Method biggestAcc 3 points -- for the updateBiggestAcc method 3 points -- for the biggest2, biggestAcc methods 1 point -- purpose and header in the interface 1 point -- body of the method in the Cons class 1 point -- examples (should reuse examples from biggest; new examples for update)
Part 2: CityMap 7 points total
1 point for correct abstract class with two fields and a constructor 2 points for correct three subclasses with constructors that invoke super 2 points for correct definitions of concrete methods in the abstract class 2 points for running the tests again
Part 3: Rat Race 12 points total
3 points for method rat-move(dx, dy) in the class Rat 1 point -- purpose and header 1 point -- body of the method 1 point -- examples 3 points for method canEat in the class Rat 1 point -- purpose and header 1 point -- body of the method 1 point -- examples 3 points for method foundGlob in the class Glob 1 point -- purpose and header 1 point -- body of the method 1 point -- examples 3 points for method onKeyEvent in the class World 1 point -- purpose and header 1 point -- body of the method 1 point -- examples