Java Collections Framework Library: ----------------------------------- HashMap K represents the type of data used as a key V represents the type of data used as a value We look up the data values by providing its associated key. So, for example, a person's id may be the key and the values may be the instances of the class Person (with name, date of birth, address, or any relevant information we would like to record). The following methods allow us to work with HashMap data structure: The Constructor: HashMap() // Effect: remove all information stored in the hashmap void clear() // Returns true if this hashmap contains the given key boolean containsKey(Object key) // Returns true if this hashmap maps one or more keys to the given value boolean containsValue(Object value) // Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped, // or null if this map contains no mapping for the given key V get(Object key) // Returns true if this hashmap contains no key-value mappings boolean isEmpty() // Effect: associates the given value with the given key in this map // Returns the previous value associated with key, // or null if there was no mapping for key. // (A null return can also indicate that the map // previously associated null with key.) V put(K key, V value) // Effect: Removes the mapping for the specified key from this map // if present. // Returns the previous value associated with key, // or null if there was no mapping for key. // (A null return can also indicate that the map // previously associated null with key.) V remove(Object key) // Returns the number of key-value mappings in this map. int size() Examples of use: ---------------- import tester.*; import java.util.*; /* +-------------+ | Person | +-------------+ | int id | | String name | | int age | +-------------+ */ class Person{ int id; String name; int age; Person(int id, String name, int age){ = id; = name; this.age = age; } } class ExamplesHashMap{ Person pete1 = new Person(123, "Pete", 20); Person pete2 = new Person(254, "Pete", 20); Person pete3 = new Person(666, "Pete", 30); HashMap hashmap= new HashMap(); void testhashMap(Tester t){ // the map is empty at the start t.checkExpect(this.hashmap.isEmpty(), true); // put one association in the map and check its size this.hashmap.put(123, pete1); t.checkExpect(this.hashmap.size(), 1); // put the second association into the map, check for the first key this.hashmap.put(254, this.pete2); t.checkExpect(this.hashmap.get(123), this.pete1); t.checkExpect(this.hashmap.size(), 2); // put the third association into the map, check for the second key this.hashmap.put(, this.pete3); t.checkExpect(this.hashmap.get(254), this.pete2); t.checkExpect(this.hashmap.size(), 3); // remove the first association, check that you get the correct value Person pete4 = this.hashmap.remove(123); t.checkExpect(pete4, this.pete1); // check the current contents and the size of the ma t.checkExpect(this.hashmap.containsKey(123), false); t.checkExpect(this.hashmap.containsKey(666), true);- t.checkExpect(this.hashmap.containsValue(this.pete1), false); t.checkExpect(this.hashmap.containsValue(this.pete2), true); t.checkExpect(this.hashmap.size(), 2); // try to remove the first association again - check that you get null Person nobody = this.hashmap.remove(123); t.checkExpect(nobody, null); // check that the size of the hashmap remained the same // after a failed removal t.checkExpect(this.hashmap.size(), 2); } }