Index of types

absent [UsrBin]
High-level user utilities.
absent [Line]
Phantom type used to indicate that a Line.t field is absent.
adaptor [Adaptor]
Record readers and splitters for a variety of file formats.
any_channel [Channel]
Generalized channels and file descriptor manipulation.

clobber_spec [Channel]
File open modes for Channel.dup_out_source.
co_t [Shtream.COMMON]
Alias for Shtream.co_t
co_t [Shtream]
A coshtream accepting elements of type 'a
coshtream [Fitting.FITTING]
Alias for Shtream.co_t
coshtream [Fitting]
Alias for LineShtream.t

data [Disposal.DISPOSAL]
The type of data being managed.
descr [Channel]
The abstract type for UNIX file descriptors.
directory [Channel]
A managed dir handle.
dup_arg [Channel.Dup]
Generalized channels and file descriptor manipulation.
dup_in_source [Channel]
Generalized channels and file descriptor manipulation.
dup_out_source [Channel]
Generalized channels and file descriptor manipulation.
dup_source [Channel]
Generalized channels and file descriptor manipulation.
dup_spec [Channel]
Generalized channels and file descriptor manipulation.

either [Util]
Anonymous sum types
elem [Fitting.FITTING]
This is the type of elements that fittings know how to write to external processes.
elem [Fitting]
elem [AnyShtream.ELEM]
The element type for the resulting shtream module.
elem [AnyShtream.ANYSHTREAM]
empty [Line]
The Line.t parameter for a line with no metadata.
error_handler [Shtream.COMMON]
error_handler [Shtream]
execspec [Proc]
Several Shcaml functions (such as Proc.exec_program and Proc.system_program) take the same arguments to specify a program to execute.

fitting [UsrBin]
High-level user utilities.
fitting_adaptor [Adaptor]
Record readers and splitters for a variety of file formats.

gen_channel [Channel]
Generalized channels and file descriptor manipulation.
gen_in_channel [Channel]
Generalized channels and file descriptor manipulation.
gen_out_channel [Channel]
Generalized channels and file descriptor manipulation.

initial [Fitting.FITTING]
This is the parameter to the type Fitting.FITTING.elem for specifying the type of elements that fittings know how to read from external processes.
initial [Fitting]
initial [AnyShtream.ELEM]
The parameter to AnyShtream.ELEM.elem for values returned by conversions from strings.
initial [AnyShtream.ANYSHTREAM]

key [WeakPlus.WEAKPLUS]
The key type of the hash table

line [UsrBin]
High-level user utilities.

options [Delimited]
Options for parsing delimited text files.

pipe_spec [Channel]
Generalized channels and file descriptor manipulation.
present [UsrBin]
High-level user utilities.
present [Line]
Phantom type used to indicate that a Line.t field is present.
procref [Fitting.FITTING]
Alias for Channel.procref
procref [Fitting]
Alias for Channel.procref
procref [Channel]
Generalized channels and file descriptor manipulation.
protector [Util]
Record type for universally quantified around advice.
protector [Shtream.COMMON]
protector [Shtream]

raw_line [Reader]
An untyped record as returned by a reader
read_end [IVar]
The read-end of an interprocess variable.

shtream [UsrBin]
High-level user utilities.
shtream [Fitting.FITTING]
Alias for Shtream.t
shtream [Fitting]
source [Line]
Type for the source of a line.
sourced [LineShtream]
A line with source and sequence information.
splitter [Adaptor]
A function on lines.
status [Proc]
Alias for Unix.process_status

t [WeakPlus.WEAKPLUS]
The type of weak-key hash table with values of type 'a
t [Shtream.COMMON]
Alias for Shtream.t
t [Shtream]
A shtream with elements of type 'a
t [Reader]
The type of a reader.
t [Proc]
The abstract type of a process representation
t [PriorityQueue]
The abtract type of a priority queue with elements of type 'a.
t [Line]
The type of a structured line.
t [Fitting.FITTING]
A fitting that consumes values of type 'a and produces values of type 'b.
t [Fitting]
A fitting that consumes values of type 'a and produces values of type 'b.
t [Disposal.DISPOSABLE]
The type to dispose
t [DepDAG]
task [DepDAG]
A task is specified as a thunk that starts a process.
text [Fitting.FITTING]
text [Fitting]

write_end [IVar]
The write-end of an interprocess variable.