More datatypes and polymorphism

Recap: The Design Recipe (Lab I)

For every function that we define we follow the design recipe:
  1. Contract
  2. Header
  3. Purpose Statement
  4. Examples
  5. Procedure body
  6. Tests

Recap: Data Definitions

There are 2 parts to any data definition.
  1. Specification: a precise definition of the set of data to be represented. We have seen 3 ways of writing these specifications
    1. Semi-formal descriptions inside comments
                  ;; An Los (list of string) is one of 
                  ;; -- '()
                  ;; -- (cons String Los)
    2. As a grammar
      Los ::= '()
      ::= (cons String Los)

    3. As a set of inference rules

      sString    lLos

      (cons s l)Los

  2. Implementation
    1. Using Scheme's lists and car and cdr
    2. Using define-datatype and cases

Follow the Grammar

Lets look at question 12 from Lab I.

Design a function disk-usage that takes as input a Filesystem and produces the total size occupied by all its files.

Before you start thinking of a solution, read and understand the specification. A good way to go about this is to make examples of valid Filesystems following the specification.

          ;; A Filesystem is one of 
          ;; - EmptyFS 
          ;; - (nonemptyfs FSElement Filesystem)

          ;; EmptyFS is (emptyfs) 

          ;; An FSElement is one of 
          ;; - File
          ;; - Directory
          ;; - SymbolicLink 

          ;; A File is (file String Number)
          ;; (file s n) creates a file with name s and size n

          ;; A Directory is (dir String String Number Filesystem)
          ;; (dir s1 s2 n fs) creates the directory s1 owned by user s2 
          ;; with size n and  contents fs.
          ;; Invariant: n = (size fs)

          ;; A SymbolicLink is (slink String String) 
          ;; (slink s1 s2) creates a link with name s1 pointing to s2

The implementation of the filesystem datatype was given using define-datatype. Any code that expects a filesystem should deal with all of its variants. In fact, the function's body is patterned after the datatype's definition, follow the grammar!

(define-datatype filesystem filesystem?
  [nonemptyfs (ele fselement?)
              (fs filesystem?)])




(define-datatype fselement fselement?
  [file (name string?)
        (size number?)]
  [dir (name string?)
       (owner string?)
       (size number?)
       (contents filesystem?)]
  [slink (name string?)
         (path string?)])

;; disk-usage: Filesystem -> Number
;; usage : (disk-usage fs)
;; produces : sum of size field for all files in fs
(define disk-usage
  (lambda (fs)
    (cases filesystem fs
      [emptyfs () 0]
      [nonemptyfs (e f) (+ (fselement-du e)
                           (disk-usage f))])))


;; fselement-du : FSElement -> Number
;; usage : (fselement-du e)
;; produces : size occupied by e, for file return size field,
;; for dir the sum of size fields for all files in
;; contents field
(define fselement-du
  (lambda (e)
    (cases fselement e
      [file (n s) s]
      [dir (n w s fs) (disk-usage fs)]
      [slink (s t) 0])))

More Fun with Recursion

You are asked to develop a simple word database. To do so you are given the following data definition
   ;; WordTree ::= EmtpyTree 
   ;;          ::= (word-node String WordTree WordTree)

   ;; invariant: for any given (word-node w l r), words in l are 
   ;;                lexicographically less than w. 
   ;;            AND for any given (word-node w l r), words in r are 
   ;;                lexicographically greater than w.
   ;; Note: w > EmptyTree => #t
   ;;       w < EmptyTree => #t
   ;;       EmptyTree is special!

   (define-datatype wordtree wordtree?
     [word-node (w string?)
                (l wordtree?)
                (r wordtree?)])
An invariant is a property that we expect to be true of any instance of our datatype throughout our program. Each operation on this datatype has to thus ensure that this property is not violated.

[Exercise 1] Design a function that takes in wordtree and a word w and returns #t if w is already in wordtree and #f otherwise. [You can use string=? string>? and string<? ]

[Exercise 2] Design a function that takes in wordtree and returns the contents of the wordtree as a sorted list of strings.

[Exercise 3] Design a function that takes in a wordtree and returns the contents of the wordtree as a list of strings but in reverse order.

[Exercise 4] Design a function that takes in a wordtree and a word w and produces a new wordtree with w included in it. Make sure your resulting wordtree does not violate the invariant.

[Exercise 5] Design a function that takes in a wordtree and a word w and produces a new wordtree with w removed from the wordtree. Make sure your resulting wordtree does not violate the invariant.

[Exercise 6] Design a function average that takes as input a list of Numbers and produces their average. [We will reuse this function later on in this lab]

Functions as Arguments and Return Values

Functions that either take as arguments other functions or return a function. Scheme's map function is a really useful one to know. Here is a way to specify what map does.

(map   f   '(x1  x2  ...  xn)) = '(f(x1f(x2)  ...  f(xn))

And here are some examples that use map

  (map lst-length '((1 2) ("a" "b" "c") ('d 'f 'g 'h 'k))) 
  > '(2 3 5)
  (map (lambda (x) (+ x 1)) '(1 2 3 4 5))
  > '(2 3 4 5 6)

[Exercise 7] Recall the definition of Homework from the previous lab (link). Design a function that takes in a list of Homeworks and produces the average grade of all homeworks. Your function should use map and average from question 6 above.

[Exercise 8] Recall the definition of Assignment from the previous lab (link). Design a function that takes in a list of Assignments and produces the average grade of all assignments. Your function should use map and average from question 6 above.

[Exercise 9] Design a function called students-average that takes as input a list of lists of Homework and the name of a student and calculates the student's average grade. [Hint: First design a function that picks the student's homework given a name out of a list of Homeworks, the you can use your average function and map.]

[Exercise 10] Design a function that takes in a list and an integer (i) and returns the element of the list at position i. Assume that the integer given is always greater than 0 and less than or equal to the list's size.


Given the data definition of Los design a function called lst-length that consumes an Los and produces its length.
  ;; An Los is one of 
  ;; --'()
  ;; -- (cons String Los)
Look at your contract for lst-length. Even though you designed lst-length to deal only with Los your function can also produce the length of any list of scheme values! So what is the contract for los-length?

What other kinds of lists can we give to lst-length

 ;; An Loi is one of
 ;; -- '()
 ;; -- (cons Integer Loi)
 ;; An Loc is one of
 ;; -- '()
 ;; -- (cons Char Loc)
 ;; An Losym is one of
 ;; -- '()
 ;; -- (cons Symbol Losym)
 ;; An Loh is one of
 ;; -- '()
 ;; -- (cons Homework Loh)

This is getting repetitive, we can abstract out commonalities

        ;; A [Listof X] is one of   
        ;; -- '()
        ;; -- (cons X [Listof X])

A datatype that is parameterized over some other type like [Listof X] is called a polymorphic datatype. So the contract for lst-length can now be written as
  ;; lst-length : [Listof X] -> Number 
  ;; usage : (lst-length lst)
  ;; produces : number of elements in lst 

A function that is parameterized over a type α such as [Listof X] is said to be polymorphic in α.
[Exercise 11] Write down the contracts for car and cdr.

[Exercise 12] Write down the contract for cons.

But in Scheme we can pass functions as arguments to other functions. For example map or every? from this weeks machine problem.

Let's try and design the function twice which takes in a function of one argument X -> X, an argument and applies the function to the argument twice, e.g.

    ;; add1 : Number -> Number 
    ;; usage : (add1 x) 
    ;; purpose : increment x by 1
    (define add1
      (lambda (x) 
        (+ x 1)))

    > (twice add1 3) 
    > 5 

How should we write the contract for twice?
    ;; twice : ...
    ;; usage : (twice f a)
    ;; purpose : f(f(a))
    (define twice 
      (lambda (f a) 
We could also write combine that takes in 2 functions f1 and f2, both one argument functions, and an argument a and produces the result obtained by applying f1 to the result of f2(a).
    ;; combine : ...
    ;; usage : (combine f1 f2 a)
    ;; purpose : f1(f2(a))
    (define combine 
      (lambda (f1 f2 a) 
[Exercise 13] Write the contract for map.

[Exercise 14] Design a function ormap that consumes a one argument function f that produces a Boolean and a list. Your ormap has to produce a Boolean by logically or-ing the results obtained by applying f to each element of the list, e.g.,
    (ormap even? '(2 5 6))
    (ormap even? '(1 3 7))
    > #f