CSG100 Data Structures

Reading Material


Other Reading on the Web

Getting Java for your own machine

  1. You need to download Java for your own OS (link). You will need J2SE JDK.
    • Optional: You can also download the java API locally to your machine (link)
  2. Follow the installation instructions (link) for your OS.
    This has more pictures along with instructions (Java Installation).
On Windows do not install Java under a directory path that contains a directory name with a space in it, e.g., C:\Test\Program File\java.

Development Environments for Java

There are many integrated development environments (IDE) that you can use.

There is also the option of using a simple editor for your java coding only.

  • JEdit itself developed using Java.
  • NEdit powerfull and not only for Java.
  • Emacs an all time classic can be tailored to help you with Java development.
  • Vim another all time classic can be tailored to help you with Java development.
    Search for java in Vim's script database

Java Source Code Examples

File Name Reference
ArrayDemo (view,download) The Java Tutorial
ArrayOfStringsDemo (view,download) The Java Tutorial
CreateObjectDemo (view,download) The Java Tutorial
Point (view,download) The Java Tutorial
Rectangle (view,download) The Java Tutorial
ReverseString (view,download) The Java Tutorial
ReverseStringTest (view,download) The Java Tutorial
ReverseStringTest (view,download) The Java Tutorial
ValueOfDemo (view,download) The Java Tutorial
CD (view,download) From Lecture 3
MainCD (view,download) From Lecture 3
CDCollection (view,download) From Lecture 3
MainCDCollection (view,download) From Lecture 3

The Department Example(Original Solution,Class Solution)

The links above are in .jar format. You can use winzip to unpack them or the following command on your prompt jar xvf <jarfile>

From Lecture 5

The Bank example(Account.java,Savings.java, Checking.java,BankMain.java)

From Lecture 7

The BTree example(BTree.java,Node.java, TreeMain.java)

From Lecture 8
by Therapon Skotiniotis