Logic and Computation
CS 2800 Fall 2009

College of Computer and Information Science
Northeastern University

CS 2800 homework submission instructions.

  1. Go to http://blackboard.neu.edu/ and click "User Login" button on the left hand side.
  2. Enter you MyNEU user name and password to login. See http://myneu.neu.edu. If you don't know your MyNEU account, please go to 120 Haden Hall with your husky card.
  3. Now you should see the home page of your account. On the right side, "Course: Quick View" lists the courses you are enrolled in. Click on CS-2800.
  4. The new page has the navigation menu on the left hand side. Click "Assignments". You should now be able to see the list of homework assignments.
  5. Choose the assignment you are supposed to submit and click on "View/Complete" under the homework title.
  6. In "submit a paper by" option, choose "file upload". Enter your first name, last name, and submission title respectively. Click "Browse" button to find the file you want to submit. Then click "submit" button.
    Only submit ASCII plain text files, including .lisp files. Do not submit (for example) Unicode, PDF, or Word .doc/ .docx files.
    Do not cut and paste text into Blackboard because it gets reformatted and becomes unreadable. Only submit files.
  7. Now you should see the preview of what you are going to submit. If everything is correct, click "yes, submit" button. (If you are submitting a .lisp file created in ACL2s, you might see numerous lines of initialization code that you don't see in ACL2s; this is fine.)
  8. You should see a message inidicating that the submission was successful.


  1. Recall that you have to work in teams (mostly pairs). Only one member of the group should submit an assignment and it should start with a line that says "Team Members:" followed by the names of all team members.
  2. Homework submission will be automatically closed after the due time posted. There are no exceptions, so we strongly encourage you to submit your homework early in case you have any computer/network problems. By the way, you can re-submit homework as many times as you wish, up until the deadline.
  3. The Blackboard system will automatically check the similarity of your homework with that of other students. Thus, it will be easy for us to find out if there is any copying. Of course, copying is not allowed and will not be tolerated.
  4. If you have any further questions about homework submission, or if you experience any problems with the submission proces, please contact the TA.