#| This file corresponds to the paper Mechanized Formal Reasoning about Programs and Computing Machines Robert S. Boyer and J Strother Moore (defpkg "SMALL-MACHINE" (union-eq (delete1-eq 'pc (delete1-eq 'state *acl2-exports*)) (append '(true-listp zp nfix fix len quotep defevaluator syntaxp) (delete1-eq 'pi (delete1-eq 'step *common-lisp-symbols-from-main-lisp-package*))))) |# (in-package "SMALL-MACHINE") (defun statep (x) (and (true-listp x) (equal (len x) 5))) (defun state (pc stk mem halt code) (list pc stk mem halt code)) (defun pc (s) (nth 0 s)) (defun stk (s) (nth 1 s)) (defun mem (s) (nth 2 s)) (defun halt (s) (nth 3 s)) (defun code (s) (nth 4 s)) (defmacro modify (s &key (pc '0 pcp) (stk 'nil stkp) (mem 'nil memp) (halt 'nil haltp) (code 'nil codep)) `(state ,(if pcp pc `(pc ,s)) ,(if stkp stk `(stk ,s)) ,(if memp mem `(mem ,s)) ,(if haltp halt `(halt ,s)) ,(if codep code `(code ,s)))) (defmacro st (&rest args) `(modify nil ,@args)) ; Utility Functions (defun put (n v mem) (if (zp n) (cons v (cdr mem)) (cons (car mem) (put (1- n) v (cdr mem))))) (defun fetch (pc code) (nth (cdr pc) (cdr (assoc (car pc) code)))) (defun current-instruction (s) (fetch (pc s) (code s))) (defun opcode (ins) (nth 0 ins)) (defun a (ins) (nth 1 ins)) (defun b (ins) (nth 2 ins)) (defun pc+1 (pc) (cons (car pc) (+ 1 (cdr pc)))) ; The Semantics of Individual Instructions ; Move Instructions (defun move (a b s) (modify s :pc (pc+1 (pc s)) :mem (put a (nth b (mem s)) (mem s)))) (defun movi (a b s) (modify s :pc (pc+1 (pc s)) :mem (put a b (mem s)))) ; Arithmetic Instructions (defun add (a b s) (modify s :pc (pc+1 (pc s)) :mem (put a (+ (nth a (mem s)) (nth b (mem s))) (mem s)))) (defun subi (a b s) (modify s :pc (pc+1 (pc s)) :mem (put a (- (nth a (mem s)) b) (mem s)))) ; Jump Instructions (defun jumpz (a b s) (modify s :pc (if (zp (nth a (mem s))) (cons (car (pc s)) b) (pc+1 (pc s))))) (defun jump (a s) (modify s :pc (cons (car (pc s)) a))) ; Subroutine Call and Return (defun call (a s) (modify s :pc (cons a 0) :stk (cons (pc+1 (pc s)) (stk s)))) (defun ret (s) (if (endp (stk s)) (modify s :halt t) (modify s :pc (car (stk s)) :stk (cdr (stk s))))) ; One can imagine adding new instructions. ; The Interpreter (defun execute (ins s) (let ((op (opcode ins)) (a (a ins)) (b (b ins))) (case op (move (move a b s)) (movi (movi a b s)) (add (add a b s)) (subi (subi a b s)) (jumpz (jumpz a b s)) (jump (jump a s)) (call (call a s)) (ret (ret s)) (otherwise s)))) (defun step (s) (if (halt s) s (execute (current-instruction s) s))) (defun sm (s n) (if (zp n) s (sm (step s) (+ n -1)))) (defun natp (x) (and (integerp x) (<= 0 x))) (defun cplus (i j) (if (zp i) (nfix j) (+ 1 (cplus (1- i) j)))) (defun ctimes (i j) (if (zp i) 0 (cplus j (ctimes (1- i) j)))) ; Now we move to our first example program. We will define a program ; that multiplies two naturals by successive addition. We will then ; prove it correct. ; The program we have in mind is: ; (times (movi 2 0) ; (jumpz 0 5) ; (add 2 1) ; (subi 0 1) ; (jump 1) ; (ret)) ; Observe that the program multiplies the contents of location 0 by the ; contents of location 1 and leaves the result in location 2. At the end, ; location 0 is 0 and location 1 is unchanged. If we start at a (call times) ; this program requires 2+4i+2 instructions, where i is the initial contents of ; location 0. ; We start by defining the constant that is this program: (defun times-program nil ; instruction pc comment '(times (movi 2 0) ; 0 mem[2] <- 0 (jumpz 0 5) ; 1 if mem[0]=0, go to 5 (add 2 1) ; 2 mem[2] <- mem[1] + mem[2] (subi 0 1) ; 3 mem[0] <- mem[0] - 1 (jump 1) ; 4 go to 1 (ret))) ; 5 return to caller ; Here is a state that computes 7*11. (defun demo-state nil (st :pc '(times . 0) :stk nil :mem '(7 11 3 4 5) :halt nil :code (list (times-program)))) ; And a trivial theorem to prove it: (defthm demo-theorem (equal (sm (demo-state) 31) (st :pc '(times . 5) :stk nil :mem '(0 11 77 4 5) :halt t :code (list (times-program))))) ; The clock function for times: (defun times-clock (i) (cplus 2 (cplus (ctimes i 4) 2))) ; And a trivial theorem to prove it: (thm (equal (sm (st :pc '(times . 0) :stk nil :mem '(500 11 3 4 5) :halt nil :code (list (times-program))) (times-clock 500)) (sm (st :pc '(times . 0) :stk nil :mem '(500 11 3 4 5) :code (list (times-program))) (times-clock 500)))) ; Takes about 21 seconds. (comp t) ; Now, the above takes .05 seconds (defthm times-correct (implies (and (statep s0) (< 2 (len (mem s0))) (equal i (nth 0 (mem s0))) (equal j (nth 1 (mem s0))) (natp i) (natp j) (equal (current-instruction s0) '(call times)) (equal (assoc 'times (code s0)) (times-program)) (not (halt s0))) (equal (sm s0 (times-clock i)) (modify s0 :pc (pc+1 (pc s0)) :mem (put 0 0 (put 2 (* i j) (mem s0))))))) ; We now consider the role of subroutine call and return in this ; language. To illustrate it we'll implement exponentiation, which ; will CALL our TIMES program. The proof of the correctness of the ; exponentiation program will rely on the correctness of TIMES, not on ; re-analysis of the code for TIMES. ; The mathematical function we wish to implement is (expt i j), where ; i and j are naturals. ; The program we have in mind is: (defun expt-program nil '(expt (move 3 0) ; 0 mem[3] <- mem[0] (save args) (move 4 1) ; 1 mem[4] <- mem[1] (movi 1 1) ; 2 mem[1] <- 1 (initialize ans) (jumpz 4 9) ; 3 if mem[4]=0, go to 9 (move 0 3) ; 4 mem[0] <- mem[3] (prepare for times) (call times) ; 5 mem[2] <- mem[0] * mem[1] (move 1 2) ; 6 mem[1] <- mem[2] (subi 4 1) ; 7 mem[4] <- mem[4]-1 (jump 3) ; 8 go to 3 (ret))) ; 9 return ; This program computes (expt mem[0] mem[1]) and leaves the result in mem[1]. ; Because we use times (which requires repeatedly loading mem[0] and mem[1] to ; pass in its parameters) and because times smashes mem[2] with its result, we ; will use mem[3] and mem[4] as our "locals." We will use mem[1] as our ; running answer, which starts at 1. After moving mem[0] and mem[1] to mem[3] ; and mem[4] respectively and initializing our running answer to 1, we just ; multiply mem[3] by mem[1] (mem[4] times), moving the product back into mem[1] ; after each multiplication. ; Here is the clock function for expt. Again we use an algebraically ; odd form simply to gain instant access to the desired sm-plus ; decomposition. The "4" nths us past the CALL and the first 3 ; initialization instructions; the times exptression takes us around ; the expt loop j times, and the final "2" nths us out through the RET. ; Note that as we go around the loop we make explicit reference to ; TIMES-CLOCK to explain the CALL of TIMES. (defun expt-clock (i j) (cplus 4 (cplus (ctimes j (cplus 2 (cplus (times-clock i) 3))) 2))) (defthm expt-correct (implies (and (statep s0) (< 4 (len (mem s0))) (equal i (nth 0 (mem s0))) (equal j (nth 1 (mem s0))) (natp i) (natp j) (equal (current-instruction s0) '(call expt)) (equal (assoc 'expt (code s0)) (expt-program)) (equal (assoc 'times (code s0)) (times-program)) (not (halt s0))) (equal (sm s0 (expt-clock i j)) (modify s0 :pc (pc+1 (pc s0)) :mem (if (zp j) (put 1 (expt i j) (put 3 i (put 4 0 (mem s0)))) (put 0 0 (put 1 (expt i j) (put 2 (expt i j) (put 3 i (put 4 0 (mem s0)))))))))))