Alper Okcan

College of Computer and Information Science
Northeastern University
360 Huntington Avenue
Boston, MA 02115, USA
Office: West Village H, 472

I am a PhD student at the College of Computer and Information Science at Northeastern University. My advisor is Mirek Riedewald. I am interested in data management for large data sets and distributed systems. I received my undergraduate and Master of Science degrees in Computer Science from METU under the supervision of Asuman Dogac. I was also a member of the Software Research & Development Center (SRDC).


Recently, I am working on techniques that enable efficient parallel execution of queries used for discovery of interesting patterns in massive high-dimensional data sets.

I have been working on the prototype development of a pattern search engine for complex data mining models. This prototype generates and ranks summaries on-the-fly for a data mining model, which was trained on a large high-dimensional crowd-sourced data set containing bird sightings reported by citizen scientists through the eBird project. Processing happens in parallel on a 44-core cluster running the Hadoop version of MapReduce.


Okcan A., Riedewald M., Panda B., and Fink D. Scolopax: Exploratory Analysis of Scientific Data. In Proceedings of the VLDB Endownment (PVLDB), Vol. 6, No. 12 2013.

ACM DL Author-ize serviceProcessing theta-joins using MapReduce
Alper Okcan, Mirek Riedewald
SIGMOD '11 Proceedings of the 2011 international conference on Management of data, 2011

Dogac A. , Kabak Y. , Namli T. , Okcan A. Collaborative Business Process Support in eHealth: Integrating IHE Profiles through ebXML Business Process Specification Language. In IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, Vol.12, No.6, pp. 754-762, November 2008. [ .PDF ]

Dogac A. , Bicer V. , Okcan A. Collaborative Business Process Support in IHE XDS through ebXML Business Processes. In Proceedings of International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2006), Atlanta, USA, April , 2006. [ .PDF ]


I have been a TA for the following courses: