Integrating Model-Based Prediction and Facial Expressions in the Perception of Emotion

Integrating Model-Based Prediction and Facial Expressions in the Perception of Emotion” by Nutchanon Yongsatianchot and Stacy Marsella. In International Conference on Artificial General Intelligence, July 2016, pp. 234-243, Springer.


Understanding a person’s mental state is a key challenge to the design of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) that can interact with people. A range of technologies have been developed to infer a user’s emotional state from facial expressions. Such bottom-up approaches confront several problems, including that there are significant individual and cultural differences in how people display emotions. More fundamentally, in many applications we may want to know other mental states such as goals and beliefs that can be critical for effective interaction with a person. Instead of bottom-up processing of facial expressions, in this work, we take a predictive, Bayesian approach. An observer agent uses mental models of an observed agent’s goals to predict how the observed will react emotionally to an event. These predictions are then integrated with the observer’s perceptions of the observed agent’s expressions, as provided by a perceptual model of how the observed tends to display emotions. This integration provides the interpretation of the emotion displayed while also updating the observer’s mental and emotional display models of the observed. Thus perception, mental model and display model are integrated into a single process. We provide a simulation study to initially test the effectiveness of the approach and discuss future work in testing the approach in interactions with people.

BibTeX entry:

   author = {Nutchanon Yongsatianchot and Stacy Marsella},
   title = {Integrating Model-Based Prediction and Facial Expressions in
	the Perception of Emotion},
   booktitle = {International Conference on Artificial General Intelligence},
   pages = {234--243},
   month = jul,
   year = {2016},
   url =
   organization = {Springer}

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