%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % Template for sigplanconf LaTeX Class % % Name: sigplanconf-template.tex % % Purpose: A template for sigplanconf.cls, which is a LaTeX 2e class % file for SIGPLAN conference proceedings. % % Guide: Refer to "Author's Guide to the ACM SIGPLAN Class," % sigplanconf-guide.pdf % % Author: Paul C. Anagnostopoulos % Windfall Software % 978 371-2316 % paul@windfall.com % % Created: 15 February 2005 % %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- \documentclass[preprint]{sigplanconf} % The following \documentclass options may be useful: % % 10pt To set in 10-point type instead of 9-point. % 11pt To set in 11-point type instead of 9-point. % authoryear To obtain author/year citation style instead of numeric. \usepackage{amsmath} \begin{document} \conferenceinfo{WXYZ '05}{date, City.} \copyrightyear{2005} \copyrightdata{[to be supplied]} \titlebanner{banner above paper title} % These are ignored unless \preprintfooter{short description of paper} % 'preprint' option specified. \title{Title Text} \subtitle{Subtitle Text, if any} \authorinfo{Name1} {Affiliation1} {Email1} \authorinfo{Name2\and Name3} {Affiliation2/3} {Email2/3} \maketitle \begin{abstract} This is the text of the abstract. \end{abstract} \category{CR-number}{subcategory}{third-level} \terms term1, term2 \keywords keyword1, keyword2 \section{Introduction} The text of the paper begins here. \appendix \section{Appendix Title} This is the text of the appendix, if you need one. \acks Acknowledgments, if needed. % We recommend abbrvnat bibliography style. \bibliographystyle{abbrvnat} % The bibliography should be embedded for final submission. \begin{thebibliography}{} \softraggedright \bibitem[Smith et~al.(2009)Smith, Jones]{smith02} P. Q. Smith, and X. Y. Jones. ...reference text... \end{thebibliography} \end{document}