Prize Money for SCG Court Tournaments

With help from Novartis, the College, my PhD students Ahmed and Bryan and numerous undergraduate and graduate students we have developed both a crowdsourcing platform for collectively solving computational problems as well as a teaching platform for collectively learning about computational problems and building knowledge bases. We call this platform Scientific Community Game (SCG) Court.

SCG Court is a generator of crowdsourcing and teaching systems in specific playgrounds. Currently, my Managing Software Development class is maintaining and developing further SCG Court and using it with various playgrounds.

In my Algorithms and Data class, my students have worked with several playgrounds, but only informally: Landau playground, Highest Safe Rung playground, MinMaxGolden playground, BreadthFirstSearch playground, Johnson-CNF-Approximation playground etc.

Now it is time for them to implement some of their algorithms and have them compete in SCG tournaments. I believe that our software is stable enough to support this endeavour safely. I would like to request prize money to better motivate the students and make the tournaments fun. For first prize I would like to offer them an iPad.